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The Dramatic Change Irritation

Less than a week ago, I was up at Saratoga. There are a lot of things to do in Saratoga, and when the horses are racing, Saratoga is packed. I went to Saratoga before all of the horse races.

One thing at Saratoga that different from where I lived were so many more trees. There were so many trees that some parts of Saratoga looked like a forest. These trees surrounded both sides of the road.

I was shocked. At first, I wondered about the animals that lurked in the area. Then I realized that the people of Saratoga are fine with the trees and open land. Someone who goes to New York City for the first time might be taken out of their comfort zone considering how many skyscrapers are in New York City.

What residents of an area call normal may seem abnormal to a tourist. The tourist may not welcome the rapid amount of changes that occur as they travel from one place to the other.

These changes are necessary because they allow us to quickly adapt to rapid changes in our business.

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