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The Easier Path Isn’t Always The Right One To Take

One story that I heard has always stuck in my mind, and since I recently finished my last final exam of the year, I remembered the same story yet again.

The story does involve a final exam. The students were given the exam, but it was given to them face down. It was a big packet just like any exam would be. The teacher told his students not to flip the exam packet face up at all.

The teacher then does something that most teachers would not do. He tells his students that they can leave the room, not take the exam, and end up with a B. There were a lot of people who left the room probably because they didn’t study or just wanted to enjoy the summer.

The few remaining students who are in the room get nervous, and when the teacher asks again if anyone else wants a B, one of the students leaves.

The teacher asks for a final time if anyone wants to leave and get a B, but no one gets up. Everyone remains seated and ready to take the exam, which is still face down.

The teacher finally tells his students to flip the exam face-up so they can begin. On the front of the exam, the first page of the exam says, “Congratulations. You have just aced the exam.”

You don’t ace the exam just by showing up. Anyone can show up and then leave at a given notice. You ace the exam by answering the questions correctly and believing that you can get the A. Showing up is only half of the battle. Actually wanting to stay is the other half.

It is sticking with your ideas and not taking the easier path that will allow you to be very successful instead of being like everyone else.

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