We all have goals to complete. Some of those goals are easy to complete while others are very difficult. How about doing two of them at the same time. That does not mean reading two books at the same time with super vision and a good memory. It means taking two things that are different and doing them at the same time.
I read other people’s blogs, but I don’t read them all in the morning. The morning is the most productive time of the day, and that’s when I write. Instead, I read them in the afternoon. However, when I read those blogs, I’m not reading them while sitting on the couch or chair. I read them while running on a treadmill.
It is possible to do two things at once. Those two things that you are doing could be two goals. Want to take a break? You can take two breaks at the same time. I haven’t tried it yet, but playing video games while running on the treadmill would be interesting.
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