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Small Is Big

When we think of a long distance, we all think of the big highway, big river, the state that is far away, or the long roadtrip that’s coming up. Too bad we don’t think of the brain.

There are over 7 billion people on Earth. That’s over 7 billion brains. Roads cover a lot of miles, but they don’t cover billions of miles. In fact, there’s barely over 10 million miles of road on Earth. Imagine a connected system that was much longer than all of the roads combined by a long shot.

In a fascinating infographic on, one of the facts about brains is that there are over 100,000 miles of blood vessels in each one. For a small structure, the amount of blood vessels is extraordinary. The entire human population combined has well over a trillion miles of blood vessel in all of the brains put together.

Another fascinating fact is that although a one pound spider web seems insignificant, a one pound spider web can circle the entire planet. That’s small, but it’s also big. Small is big; we just have to see it.

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