Put the remote down. It’s not important. Television has given us a false sense of power. You can flip to the channel you like, and if you don’t see anything, you can always flip to the next channel. If you like what you’re watching, you keep watching it.
That’s a lot of watching. At a basketball game, the people who are watching are the spectators. They watch the athletes take shots, get rebounds, block a shot, pass to each other, and basicaly, be successful at what they want to do. The athletes aren’t watching the game; they’re in the game.
We keep on watching other people who are successful. The people who are a part of the TV show get paid. The choices we make while watching television have no impact on who we become.
Have I fully given up television? Not yet, but I only watch 2 shows. I don’t bother surfing or trying to find something else that is entertaining. Television has given us a false sense of power. You have the power to change the channel, but when you put the remote down, how much have you accomplished?
I’m not asking anyone to give it up for good. I do believe that there are too many people watching their favorite shows too long. That’s procrastination up and productivity down.
Give up 30 minutes a day. Then give up an hour every day. What you will be able to accomplish with that extra time will be incredible.
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