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Why I Blog

I was up late (it’s becoming a summer trend) working on one of my blog posts. Then, a question came up in my mind, “Why do I blog.” I decided to create a blog post about it.

I decided to start this blog and all of the other blogs that I have created because having my own blog allows me to write my own content. I don’t have to follow any kind of instructions. There is no, “You have to write about this. By the way, it’s due Monday,” type of thing. I am able to schedule blog posts well in advance to my convenance.

There is no stres when it comes to blogging. Blogging is writing what’s in your mind. You can think of something extraordinary for a second, and then you can apply what you just thought of into a blog post. When I think about something or see something that I like, that idea turns into a blog post.

It’s incredible what blogging has allowed me to do. I reach hundreds of people every day with my content. Soon, it will be thousands of people every day, and then it will be through the roof.

I just write about something and then apply it to my niche at the end. The added bonus is that I get to show some people this post (everyone laughs about it later). I memorized the URL for that post.

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