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Seeing VS Solving

No matter where you are in your journey, you are going to encounter problems for your business. Maybe you don’t have a lot of Twitter followers, or your product isn’t getting enough sales. Even the people with those hundreds of thousands of followers and bestselling products face problems. Maybe their blog went down or it’s time to create a new product.

We all see the problem. In fact, the problem is staring right at us. Looking for a problem isn’t nearly as difficult as finding Waldo. We already know the problem. If there’s a problem in your business, chances are you already know about it.

You see the problem. That’s great. Solving that problem would be even better. Everyone sees the problems they are having with their businesses, but not everyone is actually taking the time to solve those problems.

Remember those math tests and homework? You can see the problem 2x+5=15 (don’t worry about doing the work for this one. The answer is x=5). However, you aren’t going to get the answer correct simply by seeing the problem.

Instead, you have to solve the problem and come up with a correct answer. In the case of a business, you don’t get graded by a teacher, but you get graded by reality. If you put in a lot of work and solved the problem, you got the points. If you weren’t able to solve the problem, you don’t get any points for that problem.

We see the opportunity or the blunder, but too many of us aren’t taking action to actually solve the blunder or take the opportunity. Seeing isn’t good enough anymore. The only extra thing you have to do is solve the problem, and that will make all of the difference.

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