We get trapped and overwhelmed.
If there are 100 books that you like, you can’t buy them all now. You have to make a choice.
What if you could only buy 5 books, but each of those 100 books are special in their own way? Rejecting 95 of thos books would be an overwhelming process that could take hours. It isn’t as easy for the consumer to just flip a coin and base their decision on luck. Consumers weigh all of the options before making a final decision.
The less choices people have, the smaller the weight is. If a consumer has only 5 choices, that person only has to lift a 5 pound weight. If a consumer has 50 choices, that person has to life a 50 pound weight.
The 5 pound weight is easier to lift than the 50 pound weight. Make it easy for your consumers to make choices. The faster they make a choice, the faster they will buy one of your products. Giving a consumer too many hoices haults the process.
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