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5 Great Ways To Use Pinterest For The Holidays

The holidays are coming up, and marketers are scrambling to find ways to get more followers from the outburst of online traffic and sales. Pinterest is a social network that’s all about organizing pictures into boards. The unique way Pinterest is set up allows it to stand out from the crowd of other social networks. The average consumer on Pinterest spends $180 which is mammoth sized compared to all of the other social networks. It’s important to utilize the powers of Pinterest during the holidays, and I’m going to show you 5 ways to do that.

  1. Christmas lists are better told than hidden. You won’t get everything you want on your Christmas list if no one knows what to buy you. Friends don’t want to play the guessing game, and we want what we put on our individual Christmas lists. Imagine a way that you could tell all of your friends what you wanted for Christmas or other holidays while getting more sales. On Pinterest, there’s a way for that to happen. You can find pictures of the products that you want and pin them on a special board containing everything you want for the holidays. If you can, stick in some affiliate links. LinkShare has good options since Amazon Affiliate Links don’t effectively work on Pinterest.
  2. Use Pinstamatic. Pinstamatic allows you to turn text into pictures. If you want to turn the words of a motivational quotes into a picture, you can use Pinstamatic to get that done. Pinstamatic also allows you to write lists. If you want to write a list of your favorite authors or favorite books, then Pinstamatic is the right place for you.
  3. Host a giveaway on Pinterest. People are looking for any kind of deals they can find. Hosting a giveaway on Pinterest is a great way to get exposure. Better yet, you can giveaway one of your products. Even better yet, you can charge $5 to be eligible for the giveaway and give that money to a charity of your choice.
  4. Tell people about great deals. People want to know about the discounts. Some people will buy something just because of the discount. If you create a Pinterest board that displays the biggest discounts for a narrowed down selection of products, you will be able to get more sales.
  5. Create an Advent board. Create the board on the first day of December, and pin one thing on that board every day until Christmas day. Make sure all of the pins are connected to a main idea that flows as you add pins to that board. You can have an Advent board for some of the best books, the most inspirational quotes, tidbits of information, and so on.

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