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Three Characteristics That Make Up The Perfect Tweet

Not all tweets are created equal. Some tweets get more retweets and interaction than other tweets. The retweets and interaction have a lot to do with enough people actually seeing the tweet. However, creating the perfect tweet is possible. However, the perfect tweet differs for each Twitter user.

The perfect tweet can mean taking advantage of a trending topic and say something humorous about that trending topic. The perfect tweet could be a link to a great blog post. There are different ways to tweet the perfect tweet, but there are three characteristic that all perfect tweets have.

The first characteristic of a perfect tweet is that people need to be interested in the topic you tweet about. The news stories get retweeted because many people want to know about what’s going on. A poorly done Vine video won’t get a lot of attention. However, you can’t tweet for everyone. There are a lot of social media enthusiasts, but if you tweet about social media, there is a real possibility that someone you’re tweeting out to isn’t a social media enthusiast. As long as you get attention from a majority of your followers, you’re tweet is going to get retweeted a lot.

The second characteristic of a perfect tweet is that your tweet must be easy to understand. Stuffing a tweet with hashtags makes the tweet more difficult to understand. A tweet with typos is going to be difficult to understand as well. If someone gets confused when they read a tweet, that tweet is not a perfect tweet. If one person gets confused by a tweet, chances are other people will be confused by that tweet as well.

The third characteristic of a perfect tweet is that the tweeter or one of the first people to retweet that tweet is very popular. Some people are going to disagree with this third characteristic since popularity doesn’t decide how good a tweet is written. A perfect tweet is one that is a tweet of quality and a tweet that gets shared a lot. The perfect tweet cannot be the greatest secret. If it were a secret, it wouldn’t be perfect. Popularity will result in more retweets, and more retweets will result in more people knowing about you.

It’s very important that you don’t view popularity as being the big guy with 100,000 followers. You can be popular with only 500 followers that read every tweet you send out and retweet as many of your tweets as they can. When it comes to popularity, it isn’t a quantity game. It’s a quality game.

Those are the three characteristics that make up a perfect tweet. Think about these characteristics as you send out or schedule your tweets today so you can end up with the next perfect tweet.


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