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The First Word

Leads to the second word. The second word leads to the third word. The third word leads to a snowball effect which is extraordinary. I’m already up to 28 words on this blog post, and the snowball effect keeps on going.

The first step you take towards implementing an idea leads to the second step. As you continue taking more steps to implementing your idea, a snowball effect will occur. You’ll be completing step after step to implement your ideas and turn them into realities.

The snowball doesn’t get to go down the hill until you push it down. Whether pushing the snowball down the hill means typing the first word of a blog post or publishing your first YouTube video, you need to do that first step to get the snowball effect.

This blog post has 160 words total, but it started with only 1 word, just like all of our ideas. The snowball is waiting to be pushed.


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