Free products are going to encourage sign ups and build awareness of your presence as an entrepreneur and business. Going viral will do the same thing. When free is able to combine with viral, the result is magical.
Viral content spreads through social networks, word of mouth, and through all of the other possible methods of spreading. However, once content loses its virality, people don’t pay attention as much. The blog that got a spike in traffic is going to be back where it was before in a matter of days. Maybe 20% of that increase in traffic will stay for an extended period of time, but that’s probably all of the extra traffic the blog is going to get after it went viral.
Free solves the problem. People sign up for a blog or subscribe to a channel because something is free. Free can take on a variety of forms such as videos, PDF’s, books, and more. When something is offered for free, people do everything they can to get the free product. When content goes viral, and people see the free product being offered, they grasp the opportunity. Then, they get emailed each time you come out with a new blog post. These people will remember you long enough to see you frequently. As more people see you more times, their trust for you will grow. The best friends are seen more than the acquaintances. In the end, more people will see you more times, and you will get more sales.
Viral traffic comes and goes, but when free and viral collide, the traffic comes and stays.
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