Maybe you were expecting an answer to the math problem. Maybe you were expecting a blog post about social media, business, or blogging. I can’t help you with the first request, but I can most certainly help you with the second request.
What many businesses forget about is that clients want the answers to their questions. No matter how good a FAQ page is, that page will never be able to answer all of your clients’ questions about your business. There are going to be some questions your clients have that are not on your FAQ page. If you don’t have a FAQ page for one of your business’ services, I recommend creating one.
Even if you are not selling a particular product or service, people will have questions about your niche. I have gotten questions about increasing blog traffic with Pinterest, how to get a strong following on Twitter, and how to get more sales plenty of times. The people asking the questions may not even be clients, customers, or subscribers. However, the people who decided to ask you the question came to you. The internet has connected the competition in a powerful way that many people forget about. If one social media expert doesn’t have the answer, a Google search will allow you to find thousands of other social media experts with the answer. Then comes the entire process of deciding which expert to ask the question to.
The people who put a little bit of faith in you by asking you a question, whether that person is a client, customer, subscriber, or none of those, deserves an answer. As it stands, the math equation is unsolvable. Unlike the math equation, the questions revolving around your niche can be properly answered. Instead of providing a question mark, give the people who contacted you what they are looking for–the answer–before they find someone else.
The faster you respond, the more likely you are to turn that person into a subscriber, customer, and/or client.
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