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3 Ways To Establish A Powerful Presence On The Web


We all dream of getting 100,000 visitors every month and having over 100,000 social media followers. However, it takes a long time to establish a powerful presence on the web. Some people quit when they realize it will take several months or even years to reach these standards. Most of these people quit because they do not know how to grow a powerful presence on the web. Whether you are considering quitting for this reason or never had any intention of quitting, it is important to grow your presence. Growing your presence will result in more visibility, but it will also make you feel more confident about what you are doing. These are the three ways to establish a powerful presence on the web.

  1. Focus on one niche. In the beginning, you will want to pay attention to multiple niches. However, you need to find your groove–the one niche–that you are going to establish a presence for yourself in. If you want to establish your presence in 10 different, unrelated niche, a lot of people are going to be confused. If you want to establish your presence in 1 niche, then people who learn about you (from your blog, social networks, and other methods) will immediately know what you are all about.
  2. Build a targeted following for that niche. Once you identify your main niche, you need to build a targeted following for that niche. Having big numbers is not enough. Those big numbers have to be targeted. Targeted people are the ones who are interested in your niche before you come into the picture. When you come into the picture, your new targeted followers will enjoy what you have to offer. If you want to learn how to grow a targeted following on Twitter, read this article too 🙂.
  3. Get those targeted followers to visit your blog. Once you get the targeted followers, you need to get those targeted followers to visit your blog. As you get more of your targeted followers to visit your blog, the search engines will start to kick in and get you more visitors. Some of the visitors on your blog will subscribe to your blog and buy your products. As more people subscribe and buy your products, you will get more reviews. In addition, more of those reviews will be good ones as you get more customers who are already subscribed to and reading your blog.

Those are the three ways to establish a powerful presence for yourself on the web. Remember that although Rome was not built in a day, it was built. Although your powerful presence on the web may not be established just yet, it will be established with hard work and perseverance.


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