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7 Ways To Turn Your Facebook Fans Into Email Subscribers

Facebook Fans

Did you know that two-thirds of Facebook marketers are either uncertain about whether their methods are working or don’t even believe in their methods? That’s a big portion of marketers, and that’s because most of them are making the same mistake. Chances are you are making the same mistake with your Facebook page that a majority of other Facebook marketers are making. Advertising is a great way to promote your Facebook Page, but then what? Getting a bunch of likes is not the answer, and only 1 out of every  6 people will see your Facebook Page posts. The answer is turning those fans into email subscribers. Here are seven things you need to know so you can make that happen.

  1. Host a giveaway on Facebook. When you host this giveaway on Facebook, you need to make sure that the only way for a person to win the prize is by subscribing to your blog.
  2. Promote a free product. This free product needs to be enticing. In addition, it must only be available to the people who enter their name and email address in a form.
  3. Post valuable content. Posting valuable content will allow you to spread on Facebook. By spreading on Facebook, more people will learn about you. Then, by implementing the other tactics, you will be able to get more subscribers.
  4. Engage with your fans. Engaging with your Facebook fans is the key to your success. Engaging with these fans will allow you to have longer conversations and build stronger connections. This engagement will encourage new fans to have conversations with you, and if you have good conversations with your fans, those fans will become your subscribers.
  5. Offer discounts. Discounts encourage people to buy products. Some people only buy a discounted product because they save money. Some products that people buy for a discount never get used, but buying a product at a discount makes a customer feel smart at the moment. People must be required to subscribe to your blog in order to take advantage of the discount.
  6. Give subscribers access to a private FB group page. A private Facebook group page allows you to connect with more people, and it is a free prize worth winning. Only give your subscribers access to a private Facebook group page.
  7. Share customer testimonials. Some people subscribe to bloggers who provide valuable content. Providing customer testimonials will prove to your Facebook fans that you provide valuable content. Posting testimonials will encourage more people to subscribe to your blog.

Your email list is the most powerful list you have. You can promote your products and blog posts to the people on that email list. If you have 100,000 people on your email list, and a tenth of one percent of those people buy your $2,000 product, that’s 100 sales (and $200,000 extra in your pocket). What do you do to grow your email list?


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