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The 7 Things Your Blog Always Needs More Of

What Does A Blog Need?

Blogs were one of the first things on the web that indicated the possibility of people making money on their own schedules, and while sleeping. Since the first couple of blogs took off, millions of people have created their own blogs. Some blogs are a collection of hobbies while other blogs are core components of successful businesses. This blog itself is one of the core components that determines how far my message spreads.

However, in the quest to be successful with a blog, many bloggers have taken the incorrect approach of trying to implement hundreds of tips at the same time. Some blog posts about blogging are so informative that they provide countless tips, and it is almost impossible to implement all of those tips, let alone at the same time.

In this blog post, I am going to provide you with seven things that your blog will always need more of. I will also provide articles you can use to grow those seven things.


#1: Traffic

Traffic is one of the most highly sought objectives of bloggers. Many bloggers Google phrases like, “How does my blog get more traffic,” and “How can my blog get more traffic.” In order for your message to spread, people need to see your content and be aware of your message in the first place. Of the six other things on this list, traffic is a critical component towards making four of the other six things happen. This article will show you various methods you can use to get more blog traffic.


#2: Subscribers

Traffic is beneficial, but the benefit that traffic brings depends on what your visitors do when they go to your blog. If your visitors are not subscribing, then they may forget about your blog and never return. Once you get someone to visit your blog, you want that person to subscribe. If you effectively communicate to your subscribers and occasionally promote products, then your email list will turn into a powerful stream of revenue. The money is in the list. This free book will show you some methods you can use to get more subscribers.


#3: Social Shares

The amount of social shares you get is dependent on two things: how much traffic the blog post gets and how valuable that blog post is. Before any of those factors come into play, you need to have the social buttons at the bottom of your blog posts in the first place. Social shares, especially +1’s, are valuable for SEO. Therefore, getting more social shares means more traffic from social media and the search engines. More traffic means more shares, and then the cycle continues. All you need to do is get the cycle started, and then it should continue for a long period of time. This article will show you some methods you can use to get more social shares.


#4: Sales

The successful marketer who makes $1 million in sales every year strives to make $2 million the following year. No matter how many sales you are making now, you can make more. As your blog gets more traffic and subscribers, you will get more sales when you promote your products. This article will show you some methods you can use to get more sales.  If you don’t have a product or want to create more of your own products, then this article is for you.


#5: Pageviews Per Visitor

Visitors who view multiple pages on your blog are beneficial users for two key reasons: these visitors lower your blog’s bounce rate (which helps SEO) and these visitors are more likely to subscribe and buy your products. Getting more pageviews per visitor is as simple as making your blog more attractive, providing valuable content, and making your blog easily navigable (make it easy for your visitors to read more of your blog posts).


#6: Valuable Content

Not only does a blog need more content, but it also needs more content that brings value. Valuable content is the type of content that brings people back to your blog, gets them to subscribe, and eventually buy your products. If you have seen Seth’s Blog once, chances are you’ll visit again (Warning: You might get stuck on it for a while). I have probably visited his blog hundreds of times. In order to write valuable content, you need to practice writing every day. There is no way around it.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@MarcGuberti” url=””]In order to write valuable content, you need to practice writing every day. There is no way around it[/tweetthis]


#7: Load Speed

The amount of time it takes for your blog to load has an impact on your blog’s SEO and what visitors do when they are on your blog. For every second it takes your blog to load, your visitor is less likely to subscribe or buy products. One of the most common reasons why blogs are slow is because of the pictures. I use Canva to create the pictures I put on this blog, and all pictures are set at 300 by 300 pixels. If you take a picture from Google sized at 2,000 by 2,000 pixels, and you resize it to 300 by 300 pixels, that picture will still load as if it were 2,000 by 2,000 pixels. Here are some more tips to make your blog load faster.


In Conclusion

There are dozens of areas in blogging that you can go after. However, simplicity is the best option. These seven areas are the ones you should go after if you want to establish an authority on the web and make a strong income at the same time. You need to have the authority and products to make the income, and you need to have the income to financially support your authority. Many of these seven areas complement each other nicely. Think of these three equations:

Traffic = Subscribers = Sales

Valuable Content = Subscribers = Sales

Valuable Content = Social Shares = Traffic = Subscribers = Sales

Pageviews Per Visitor and Load Speed can easily be plugged into those equations and different ones as well. These seven areas of blogging, when working together, will produce a large audience of people who appreciate your content, visit your blog countless times, subscribe, and buy your products.

What are your thoughts on these seven areas of blogging? Do you have any other suggestions? Please share your thoughts and advice below.

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