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The Bad, The Worse, And The Ugly

The Bad: Something is wrong.

The Worse: Something is wrong and people know it.

The Ugly: Something is wrong, people know about it, and no action is being taken.

Polish your content so that none of it is bad. This prevents things from getting worse, and for some people, just getting ugly. Take action when you see a mistake, and don’t let a mistake stay up for long.

I created a blog post called “Everyone Notices Messinesss” (there is an extra s at the end of messiness). One of my friends looked at the title and told me, “You spelled that word wrong.”

Once my friend read the content, he realized the typo was intentional. People notice when something is wrong. We could have read 500 pages in a book and enjoyed every word. Then, on page 501, there is a typo that we stare at for a few seconds. Nevermind the 500 pages. What about page 501? Everyone notices the smallest mistakes.

A similar spell check can save a lot of frustration. Nothing needs to get bad, worse, or ugly.


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