That was the one moment that the chocolate cake was in this room. Friends came over for the 4th of July, and it was fun. The only problem was that I couldn’t eat the cake right away
My stomach churned. My taste buds imagined the chocolate running down my tongue. I knew it tasted good because I had it many times before.
But I couldn’t eat it. The chocolate cake was for everyone who was coming over. It was very difficult for me to work that day. I couldn’t even get a spoon and take off some of the chocolate icing.
The chocolate cake had to be preserved. There was no way out of the fact that I was going to have to wait. As I wrote this blog post, I was staring at the chocolate cake wondering if it would be the best one I’ve had.
For anyone who questions the accuracy to this story, tell me if that chocolate cake is tempting to eat. (especially from this angle where I worked). It took all of the willpower I had to not eat some of that chocolate cake or the icing.
It was a decision between working or eating chocolate cake. Eating a chocolate cake (especially a chocolate one) is the easier of the two options, but it is the work that will allow us to get further. We can eat the chocolate cake now, or we can do the work that will eventually buy us two chocolate cakes. It’s your choice.
We must all be very patient in order to achieve great success. The chocolate cake was the biggest teaser I have ever experienced. The delicious chocolate cake was so close, but it was so, so far away.
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