Since you are looking at this blog post, you are probably reading it. Chances are you will skim through important parts that are in bold. That’s because when people read a blog post, less than 20% of those people end up reading the entire blog post.
People want to learn as much as they can in a shorter amount of time. When they do that, they sort of get the message and the content. As long as the title looks really good, the content supports the title, and there isn’t anything inappropriate, most people will share it without looking through the entire blog post.
Chances are when you share a blog post, you probably didn’t read the entire blog post. A strong title with a link does the trick in getting clicks and making you the next big thing for a little while. If you didn’t read the entire blog post, chances are that most of your followers won’t read the entire blog post either. They will probably skim through the content just like you did.
There is going to be a blog post about fascinating research. The only problem is that the blog post is the size of a book. This is when most people skim through the important stuff similar to Cliff Notes. You get an idea of what the blog post is about and share it with everyone else. As long as the content you read matches the title, it’s all good.
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