Blogging can get rough at times. After constantly writing blog post after blog post, the same number of visitors come (or at times, less visitors come). However, there is a gold mine waiting to be discovered. That gold mine is your blog. Don’t take your eye off the prize, and do the consistent work that will allow you to receive that prize.
Thanks for this info. I’ve been blogging on my company’s website for almost a year, and this is the motivation to keep going.
Chris, this picture was very useful for me as well. I sometimes go back to it when things get rough. It’s very powerful.
I am starting to as those types of numbers, finally. I had stepped away from my blog, but came back,a few,months ago with a vengeance! Persistance and,patience help.
Paulo, congratulations on coming back to blogging with a vengeance. Persistence and patience will help with any endeavor, and most definitely blogging.
thank you mister, I will become a consistent blogger
Consistent blogging will help you get traffic like you see in the graph. Consistency combined with a little more frequency can go a very long way.
Just what I needed to see today! Thanks. =)
My pleasure Ms. Montana.
This is great, Marc! I don’t think I’ll ever stop but it’s something that a lot of newer bloggers need to see. Thanks for sharing 🙂
My pleasure Graham. There’s a certain point when you decide to never stop, but even at this point, I like looking back at pictures like these to see that rapid growth is possible.
Very inspirational.
How to increase traffic to website?
Please share your article.
I have written many blog posts about getting more traffic. My best suggestion is to go on my blog’s search box and type in “blog traffic.” Then all of my blog posts related to getting more traffic will show up. That way, you can see my latest blog posts on the subject instead of me sharing something now that may not be as relevant a few years from now.
It is very motivation. Thanks Marc.
My pleasure Doel.
Very true Marc. interesting post 🙂
Thank you Sameer.
Very True!! You must be willing to stay the course!
Well said Dave.
Thanks for this encouragement at a time when I need it.
My pleasure Barbara. I’m happy I could help. Remember that if you keep at it and learn new techniques along the way, you will experience blog traffic just like that picture. It worked for me.
Thanks Marc! The information you share is so useful! I´m glad I found your website!
Thank you Anna 😀
I’m not interested in blogging ..but I like the information you have. You are simple and to the point .Great job !
Thank you Lex. That means a lot to me, and I am happy you got the key takeaway from the article.
Thank you, this is very informative. I am a newbie in the blog world and on many days it feels like I am taking a drink from a fire hose:) Your posts are inspiring and very motivational. Your delivery of information is clear and concise.. You provide the ABC approach to this process. Great job!
Thank you. I am glad you like the articles and wish you luck on your blogging journey.
Lol – love the fire hose metaphor Lori. Made me giggle! I was feeling the same so I hired a college student web master for a couple hours to look my site over. She made me realize I was doing way better than I thought I was! Worth every penny!
Marc, I look forward to your informative posts. This one is like a comprehensive course in SEO. Many thanks. This endeavor of mine is very challenging as I am an older woman who is unfamiliar with new technology. And what takes a young person about three minutes to accomplish, takes me at least a day-and-a-half.
Your posts are most encouraging and I learned volumes from this one, and will keep plugging along. The suggestions are clearly the most concise and practical I’ve come across. I will follow them. It also forces me to write every day–something I need to discipline myself to do.
I write about how our (nighttime) dreams enhance our lives, since everybody dreams.
Best wishes to you. And I thank you.
Hello Carol,
I am very glad to hear that you liked the post. Sometimes shorter blog posts that have the same message as longer blog posts win the battle. I enjoy your topic (I have been doing a lot of dreaming of the future myself), and I wish you luck on your journey.
Thanks for all the great tips! As a newbie to the blogging world, I have found that producing quality content can be difficult to manage on a consistent basis. I started out with one blog and now manage 2. I will admit that having followers on both blogs does entice me to write something almost every day;something I wasn’t doing prior to starting the blogs. Giving up is the easy part – staying with it is the hard part, but I agree when you say that the reward will be forthcoming if one stays consistent. Great insight!
Thank you for stopping by. I am glad to see that you manage two blogs and that you are embracing your journey with a positive attitude.
I could use a little help with mine..just not getting the exposure I guess or maybe my niche is too narrow! ?
Few niches are too narrow. Patience does pay off. What niche are you in? If your niche is a small one, you can build a powerful presence on the web and turn that small niche into a big niche. Numerous years ago (long before we were around), music was a small niche. Now it has evolved into a huge niche.
How did you become so wise so young. Aren’t we lucky to benefit from what you so kindly share.
I have good parents, and that combined with my passion & dedication to learn more about my niche.
Great stats to know…just started blogging. Thanks!
The ol’ hockey stick graph … so true. I have a friend who helps manage a blog and it took five years, but now they’re hitting 10Million uniques/month, and the growth is insane, almost +1M/month now – but it started S.L.O.W. Stick with it! Thanks Marc. Cheers!
Who is the blogger? He or she sounds like an expert with a lot of dedication.
Great stuff man! @16 of age? keep going man your value is awesome! good work. 2 thumbs up!!!
Thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot to me.
Good to know – that is very inspiring! What a fabulous graph… need to refer to when the numbers are down 🙂
Thank you for sharing! It’s inspiring for keeping working in our skinny blogs!
Thank you. I just started a new Edu Blog and started to think no one was out there.
Thanks that was good information.
Please can you help me to choose a blog site so I can start blogging. Your chart is awesome
Those statistics are SEO Moz’s stats, and those are Google Analytics. I recommend using WordPress which is very similar except it gives you a bar graph instead.
I am a blogger and use (hence the analytics you describe). I like it a lot. I would also advise Google webmaster tools to monitorize the website itself.While sharing on social media, you can check their own analytics and if not, you can always use buffer and that give you some nice insights as well.
Thanks Marc. I needed to see this today! 🙂