If we all knew the right methods of growing a business, we would all be very successful. When we begin our businesses, we don’t know the right methods. In order to be successful, you will have to go through numerous experiments (not the ones where you dissect frogs) until you find the right methods to grow your business.
There are going to be some good days and some bad days. However, the good days are the ones you can replicate. There were methods you used in that good day that you can use again to produce more days that are just as good if not better.
I went from gaining 20 Twitter followers every day to gaining over 100 followers every day. This was not an on-off switch. I had to experiment with many possibilities before this happened. When you find a method that works once, it is going to work again and again. The methods I use today to get hundreds of Twitter followers are the same ones I have been using for months.
As you continue to experiment with different possibilities, you will learn the right methods and the wrong methods. When you find the right methods, continue using them and eventually find ways to enhance them.
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