SEO is a very important part of your blog because it allows search engines such as Google to find your blog. Without a powerful presence on social media, having good SEO or not means the difference between being seen and being invisible. Here are 5 ways to improve your SEO so your blog gets noticed by the masses:
- Reduce your blog’s bounce back rate. For a really long time, I did nothing about bounce back rate. I didn’t know anything about bounce back rate, how to reduce bounce back rate, or that it even had an impact on SEO. There are a bunch of ways to reduce the bounce back rate on your blog, and all of them are easy to implement. After implementing these tactics, the bounce back rate for my own blog went from a rate of 83% to a rate of 62% in just one month.
- Use words in your blog posts’ titles that help out towards SEO. On this blog, there are a lot of posts with one of the following words in the title: SEO, Blogging, Social Media, Twitter, Pinterest, and Business. By using these keywords, people will find you when they type those keywords into Google’s search box.
- Keep your blog fresh. By updating your blog with new content as much as you can, you will rank higher for Google’s keywords. Google doesn’t want to put up a blog that hasn’t been updated for 2 years. Make sure your blog is properly getting updated so it rises above the competition. Showing up is not half the battle. However, showing up consistently is half the battle.
- Get backlinks for your blog. One way to get a backlink for your blog is by becoming a guest blogger. Another way to get a backlink for your blog is just by having your own Pinterest account. Another way to get a backlink from your blog is by commenting on other people’s blogs.
- Unlock social media’s potential. Social Media is big towards SEO. The reason I really like social media is that you have more control over your results. If you have a big following on a social network, you can get a lot of visitors to your blog that way. Include social media buttons at the bottom of your blog posts so your visitors can easily share your blog posts across all of their social networks.
- Bonus: I wrote a blog post about 100 Amazing Blogging Tips. Some of the tips are SEO related while others are just about having a successful blog.
What is the meaning of bounce rate?
Bounce rate is the percent of people who go to your blog and then leave it without visiting another page on that blog. A lower bounce rate means people are staying on your blog for a longer period of time.
Here’s a concrete example of bounce rate:
You type and realize you don’t want to be here right now. You leave without clicking on the links to any of my posts or pages. That raises my bounce rate which is bad.
If you type and click on some blog post links and page links, you stay on the site longer and look through several pieces of my content. That decreases my bounce rate which is good.
That’s bounce rate in a nutshell
Great post. Thanks for the tips.
My pleasure Sam.
Mark: What exact tactic did you use to reduce bounce rate?
I included links to older, related blog posts in my newer blog posts.
Hi Marc, nice summary of points there. Thanks for taking the time to post them, sure they’ll help me as I have a SHEDLOAD of work to do on my blog! Cheers, Jon
I’m glad you found the points helpful and wish you luck for your blog. Remember that implementing these tactics will not result in an immediately change (suddenly getting a 50+ daily visitor increase or something wild like that). However, improving your blog’s SEO will have incredible long term results.
Thanks Marc! Being new to blogging and Twitter, I am finding your posts (and videos) and the ideas within helpful… Simple to follow and easy to implement. Good work!!
Helpful to me starting out.
Pretty basic stuff, but informative nonetheless.
Very informative, especially for those who are new to blogging such as myself. Very happy I stumbled across this as I was in the process of setting up my own blog. Thanks for the tips.
fresh, unique and site relevant content is very necessary for a blog. So whenever you want to do seo of a blog consider all these tips to get best result. Thank you so much for all the suggestion..