Contests are great ways to get more engagement on Facebook. In order to get the maximum engagement, your contest needs to be successful. There are numerous contests on Facebook, but only a few of them become successful. In order to have a successful Facebook contest, you need to come up with the right idea in order to get more engagement for your contest. Here are 7 different ideas that will allow you to make your Facebook contests successful:
- Ask your fans to like a post, and then one of the people who liked that post wins the prize.
- Ask your fans a question about your Facebook page, blog, book, or anything else you can think of. The first person who answers wins the prize.
- Make the prize be one of your products. Training courses are easy and free to create on Udemy. You can also give them to people for free with 100% coupons that are easy to create. If you are an author, you can have your signed book as the prize.
- Anyone who writes a post mentioning your Facebook Page gets a chance to win the prize. Give your fans an extra submission for each additional time they write a post about your Facebook Page.
- If your fans subscribe to your blog, give them two extra submissions to the giveaway. Everyone participating in a contest strives to increase the odds. By telling people to subscribe to your blog, your email list will grow. If you promote your Facebook Page on your blog, you will get even more engagement.
- Over deliver to your fans. Thank your fans for making the contest special by saying something like this, “I was only going to give one [Fill in the blank] away, but since a lot of people became a part of this contest, I am going to give three [Fill in the blank] instead!
- Tell people to stay tuned for more contests. Some of your fans may have just been there for the contest. By telling your fans to stay tuned, the people who came for the contest will continue to be your fans. By the time your new contest comes, the people who initially came to be a part of your first contest like what is on your Facebook Page.
Facebook contests will lead to more engagement, but in order to get the best results from your contest, you need to implement one or more of these ideas into your Facebook contest strategy.
This is a very helpful article marc. Thanks for the great ideas!!
My pleasure Harshad. I am happy to hear that you liked the article.
Hi Marc! These are great ideas but next time could you include examples as well? Also, some images as proof would make this article superior!
I will provide more examples and include more pictures in future articles.
Great suggestions, thanks Marc!