Having an interest in something means liking it. I have a lot of interests. Soccer is an interest of mine. I am good at soccer, but it remains an interest. It is something that I like, but I am not committed to become an MLS player. That’s no fault of my own because I know I am just interested in soccer.
Being committed is something different. When you are committed, you’re in it to win it. If you kind of want it, you aren’t committed. You have to want to achieve it and do everything you can to achieve it. I am committed to this blog, and it shows because this blog consistently gets updated and grows exponentially.
I am committed to Twitter. I am interested in Instagram. You need to be honest with yourself as you identify the things that you are interested in as well as the things that you are committed to. Where is most of your time being spent? Those are most likely the things you are committing yourself to. Anything that gets shoved to the back of your mind and reawakens every once in a while is an interest.
Interests can become commitments, commitments can go back to interests, some commitments may really be interests, and some interests can really be commitments. By identifying what your commitments, you will also be able to identify your priorities. By identifying your priorities, you will be able to get more of the important things accomplished.
Great perspective! I tweet and blog as an interest because it fuels my committment to my career in network connectivity. Keep writing; your ideas are relevant!
Thank you John. Tweeting and writing blog posts about something over a long period of time allows that something to become a commitment.
Very true..I think to many make commitments,when they are really just interest..I’m guilty..live and learn..hope the best..
Thank you George. It is good that you are being honest about yourself when deciding whether something is an interest or a commitment. This is a good step to making better decisions that have the ideal amount of impact.
Committed is the that foot in play, gonna take life’s ball all the way…