None of us are immortal, and people will have to remember us for certain things. Some people are remembered in a better way than others. How do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be remembered as an expert of your niche? Do you want to be remembered as a stand up guy?
In order to be remembered the way you want to be remembered, you need to take steps of action in order to be remembered that way. If you want to be remembered as a stand up guy, you need to act like and be a stand up guy. If you want to be remembered as an expert of your niche, you need to act like and be an expert of your niche.
There is no right answer to what you want to be remembered for. You can be remembered for being a stand up guy, an expert of your niche, both of those things, or something else. You are the only person who has the power to decide what other people will remember you for.
What do you want to be remembered for?
Innovation, motivation of others and like Elvis said “I did it my way.” #thefuneralcommander
My smile and being fun to work with. Bored at work? Call me and I’ll send you the funniest picture I can find (or make) to laugh your socks off!