What is a quality blog post? There are a lot of definitions of the term. Regardless of the definition you have of writing a quality blog post, it has become more known than ever that writing quality content helps in the process of standing out from the crowd. There is a secret formula that some bloggers use to create quality blog posts, and I am going to share that formula with you. Here’s the secret formula:
- Tell people what you are writing about in a clear manner. What is your blog post about? The headline of your blog post tells people exactly what you are going to be talking about. If the headline’s topic is clear, then people will already know the topic of your blog post as they read it.
- Have a strong intro. There are millions of blogs to choose from, but your visitors chose your blog. Once they know what your blog post is going to be about, you need a strong introduction. A list of different tactics is not as good as a paragraph or two making the visitor want to continue reading your blog post. Don’t rush into the tactics and the how-to part of your blog post. Give your visitors a quick intro that encourages them to read on.
- The first sentence is critical. The first sentence is the difference between having someone read your entire blog post or having someone read another blog. The first sentence needs to grab the visitor’s attention. Common ways to do this are to ask a question, offer a really cool statistic, talk about a big change, or use a testimonial. There are other ways to create a really good first sentence, but it is important to know that the first sentence sets the tone for the entire blog post.
- Have good tactics that are organized well. The better your tactics are, the better your blog post can become. Choose your two favorite tactics. Put one of those tactics as the first tactic and put the other tactic as the last one. This is just like the concept of having a dynamic opening sentence and a dynamic closing sentence.
- Support your tactics. This is where a lot of people get it wrong. Some people only support their tactics with a short sentence while other people add every word possible to support their tactic so the blog post looks better. A longer blog post does not necessarily equate to a better blog post, but a blog post in which the tactics are poorly supported is not a good one either. I usually support my tactics with a paragraph at most. It is better to support your tactic well with a paragraph than it is to support a tactic well with three paragraphs.
- It’s not about the length of the blog post. Seth Godin’s blog post, Polishing Junk, is less than 50 words. Despite that, his blog post was shared over 1,500 times on different social networks. I’m sure there are people reading this blog post saying, “You’re talking about Seth Godin. His blog posts always get shared that many times.” The reason his short blog post got shared many times is because he was able to make his point quickly. He could have added a bunch of statistics and testimonials to his blog post, but he didn’t need to. He already made his point. I’m sure the people who visited that blog post read every word of it. That does not always happen with longer blog posts.
- Have a strong conclusion that sums up why the visitors needs to implement the tactics. End your blog post on a good note by telling your visitors what they will be able to accomplish by implementing the tactics you talked about. The conclusion needs to grab their attention just as much as the introduction so you leave the visitor wanting more.
By implementing these tactics, you will be able to write how-to blog posts that grab the attention of more people. When you grab more attention for your blog posts, more people will share your blog posts. Sooner or later, you may end up like Seth Godin and get over a thousand people sharing all of your blog posts. That only becomes possible when you write quality blog posts. After you master writing quality blog posts, the only thing left to do is get more traffic. As you share your blog posts on your social networks, and your traffic numbers go up, people will read as many of your blog posts and sharing as many of them as they can.
Very educative. Thanks, Marc. Another important tactic is to make it – the entire blog – short and simple.
That is a great idea for giving people value in a short period of time. It contradicts with writing 2,000 word blog posts, but I like the idea of short and concise. I’ve seen some bloggers offer the short and concise version as a content upgrade or start off with a table of contents before going into the bulk of the blog post.