In order to get your followers to buy your products, you need to talk with them on, but also off of Twitter. You will not be able to apply this method with all of your followers, but iff you can apply this method to 100 people, you already have an edge on the competition.
There are buyers. Then there are guaranteed buyers. The guaranteed buyers are the loyal ones who buy all of your products based on a certain niche. The guaranteed buyers are going to be the Twitter followers who you build strong friendships with.
Here’s how to do that:
- Decide who you want as loyal customers. These people should be the ones who have a strong interest in your niche. Anyone with a big following is a nice bonus.
- Get the person to notice you. Share the person’s blog posts while mentioning them with the @ sign. When you do that, the person you mention gets an email telling them that you mentioned them, and when they look through their feed of mentions, they will find you.
- Respond quickly. The person will thank you for mentioning them and their blog. Quickly respond by telling the person that their blog post motivated/helped you with something. Continue to quickly respond, and you will have a long conversation with this person.
- Talk with the person off Twitter. As you continue to talk with the person on Twitter, eventually ask to exchange emails. When you exchange emails, you will be able to contact the person with over 140 characters, but having the extra characters is not the important part. Since the person just gave you his/her email, that person trusts you now.
- Have a call to action in your email signature telling them to subscribe to your blog. This call to action will allow you to get another subscriber. Even when the person subscribes to your blog, continue to contact and talk with that person. By continuously talking with this person, that person will eventually become a guaranteed buyer.
- Repeat the process for other people. The more guaranteed buyers you have, the more money you are going to make. An author only needs about 1,000 guaranteed buyers in order to hit the Top 100 in Kindle Sales.
This will take a lot of time. In order to get the best results from this tactic, you should apply this method to 10 people every week. Imagine how different your business would be if you had 100 guaranteed buyers, or over 1,000 guaranteed buyers.
Hi Marc! Very useful and valuable this article. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. It’s easier for me to find so many contents about Twitter. I dare to ask you a question. What is the list for? Should I do more lists with people who I interact more, or with people who I retweet?
Thank you again and appreciate your time.
Twitter lists allow you to organize groups of people into a custom feed (connections, potential customers, news outlets, humorous tweeters, etc). You can create multiple lists, one for the people you interact with and one for the people you retweet.
Great info Marc, I will begin to utilize this information with our engagement process.
John, I am very happy to hear that. Learning about new info is the first step. You are already taking the second (and harder) step by utilizing this information.