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5 Pinterest Mistakes To Avoid (Part 3)

A very long time ago, I wrote Part 1. A little further back, I wrote Part 2. This is Part 3 which contains 5 more mistakes that you need to avoid on Pinterest. Although Pinterest is not the largest social network out there, it has grown at a rate faster than all of the other social networks. If you want to optimize on Pinterest’s constantly growing platform, avoid these 5 mistakes:

  1. Not taking advantage of a powerful social network. The biggest mistake you can make is ignoring Pinterest. Pinterest has the potential to dramatically increase your blog’s traffic, and the average pin have been proven to get more engagement than the average tweet.
  2. Not paying attention to analytics. Although there are no free Pinterest analytics tools that offer as much information as TwitterCounter, there are plenty of free Pinterest analytics tools out there. I commonly use Tailwind to see my statistics based on my change in follower count and pin count. Other features become accessible through upgrades.
  3. Only pinning the same thing once. When a board has hundreds of repins, your followers are less likely to scroll all the way down to the first pin. I pin my blog posts more than once, and that results in an increase in traffic.
  4. Not liking a lot of pins. When someone sees that you have liked thousands of pins, they will realize that you are a very active user on Pinterest. In addition, you can like pins to organize all of the pins that you want to repin. By using this method, some people unlike the pins after they repin them. This prevents hundreds of repins clogging up your followers’ timelines.
  5. Not having multiple boards with 100+ pins. When multiple boards have over 100 pins, your followers will have more pins to look at. It is better to have 10 boards with 100 pins each than it is to have 100 boards with 10 pins each. Quality beats quantity, but when you can combine them both together, you will get more engagement on Pinterest.

These are 5 mistakes that too many people make on Pinterest. However, there are other mistakes that people make on Pinterest as well. You can go back to Part 1 and Part 2 in order to see 10 additional mistakes that people make on Pinterest.


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