Backlinks are very important to boosting your SEO. Backlinks put a link on your blog on other places on the web. Not only will people on other places on the web be able to go to your blog, but your blog will also rank higher on Google. Getting quality backlinks is better than having a quantity of backlinks. Right now, I am going to tell you seven ways that you can get the best of both worlds: quality and quantity.
- Become a guest blogger. I am an active guest blogger on Business2Community. Not only does guest blogging result in more traffic to my blog, but Business2Community is now a backlink for my blog. The more guest blogs you write for, the more backlinks you will get. However, be sure to write at least 5 guest posts on the same blog in order to build your presence on that guest blog.
- Write quality content. If you want to get people to write about your blog (and get a backlink), you need to write quality content. As you write more blog posts, people will have more options of writing about you and your content.
- Write pages on the web that link to your blog. There are many options to do this. I primarily use Squidoo, but Zujava, HubPages, and Wizzley are other options. I recommend using Squidoo because it is the best one, you can donate to charities, and it is very easy to create a page on Squidoo. Here is an example.
- Verify your blog on Pinterest. This is a simple way to get a high quality backlink. There are numerous plugins that can get the job done, and having your blog verified on Pinterest will boost your SEO.
- Create more blogs. This one may be a bit tough to do considering that you would have to update multiple blogs every day/week. However, if you are willing to take the challenge, you can have your blogs link to each other and improve the SEO for all of your blogs. In addition, if one of your blogs gets thousands of visitors every day, those traffic stats trickle to your other blogs as well.
- Backlink exchanging. Although my blog does not participate in backlink exchanges (unless Zuckerberg comes by. Then I bend the rules), they are a method that beginners can use to get a voice on the web. If you exchange backlinks with 100 people, you will have 100 extra backlinks on the web. If you decide to do backlink exchanging, be sure to exchange backlinks with a blog that is similar to yours.
- Write articles on Bubblews. Not only will you be able to make money for every view on Bubblews, but you will also be able to get a backlink to your blog. The secret method is to add a URL to your blog in one of your Bubblews articles just like I did for this article. Bubblews is a very popular site, and it will give your blog a quality backlink.
Those are the seven ways to get more backlinks on your blog. Do you have any additional tips or thoughts? Please share them below.
great article! such knowledge from one so will go far 🙂 I could use a new backlink..hint
Thank you. That means a lot to me. I cannot fulfill your request for a backlink because then everyone would be asking me for a backlink.