You have more control over your success than you realize. Success starts with having the right mindset. You can have all of the connections and all of the revenue to implement a campaign. No matter how many resources you have, many or few, everything comes down to your mindset. Although the mindset is important, many people have different thoughts in their head that prevent them from becoming successful. Having these thoughts will lead you to the wrong path and slow down your success. Before you launch another campaign, write another word for a blog post, or send out another tweet, you need to get rid of these three thoughts so you can reach success at a faster rate.
- Believing that you need to be perfect. There is no person or business that is perfect. If you think you are the exception, you need to wipe that out of your mind. You will make mistakes, people will say bad things about your business, and your book will get a bad review. Instead of being perfect, you need to be as perfect as possible to the people that matter for your business–your target audience.
- Believing that you have settled. The only people who believe they have settled are the ones who have given up and never go far. That does sound harsh, but sometimes the truth needs to be harsh in order for it to be acknowledged. Never settle with where you are. Keep on growing and experimenting with new ideas. One of those ideas may allow you to grow twice as fast as you would have grown if you settled.
- Doubting your abilities. In order to become successful, you need to believe in your ability to become successful. If you doubt yourself, you will constantly be afraid of taking steps forward. For the people with this mindset, it only takes a few more steps forward for the entire plan to collapse and fall apart. The doubt will consume you and prevent you from seeing what you have already accomplished and that you are a credible person in your niche.
Those are the three thoughts that you need to get rid of as quickly as possible. These three thoughts are the biggest hurdles for success. If you don’t have the revenue yet, your faith and desire to keep on growing will allow you to eventually obtain the revenue you need. If you have any of these three thoughts running through your mind, then you need to do everything in your power to get those thoughts out of your mind. Look at success stories of the leaders in your niche, get a motivational quotes app for your phone, read inspirational books, listen to music from Rocky, and do anything else that you can do in order to raise your spirits and get these thoughts out of your mind.
Very astute observations. I am 52 and just coming face to face with all of the things you mention. It was easy for me to use a need for perfection as a way to prevent myself from taking bold, terrifying action toward my goals. Great little article. : )
Thank you Cynthia. I am happy to hear that you liked the article. As much as we want to be perfect, perfection is impossible.
Absolutely right. I am guilty of thinking thought no.1 and 3. But yes keeping oneself motivated is the key. We have to look at ourselves from a different perspective.
Karuna, I’m happy you did this self-reflection and were completely honest to yourself. Many people never admit that they have faults of any kind. The first step towards solving a problem is identifying the problem, and you did a great job!