For some people, Kindle eBooks are a reliable source of income that allows them to earn six figures every year. These people have mastered Kindle eBook marketing and know how to get their books sold. However, there are also people who are just starting out and do not know how to properly market their Kindle eBooks. The people just starting out are the most susceptible to making mistakes, but there are also self-published authors who have been writing Kindle eBooks for years who make the same mistakes. These four common mistakes need to be avoided because they hurt your chances of making more sales.
- Not having a keyword rich description. Many people forget that Amazon is technically a search engine. In fact, it is the 4th largest search engine on the web. Having a keyword rich description will allow you to boost your SEO on Amazon. Most of a six figure self-published author’s sales come directly from Amazon’s search engine. Keyword rich descriptions get found by the search engines.
- Not offering your Kindle eBook free for the first five days. Unless you have a large audience of people who would buy your Kindle eBook right when it comes out, you need to offer it for free for the first five days. This free promotion does not last one day or three days. You need to take advantage of all five days. That gives your Kindle eBook more time to get in the Top 100 for multiple bestselling categories which tends to result in more reviews. Getting more reviews early will lead to more long-term sales.
- Underestimating the importance of a good cover. People often judge books by their covers. The way your book looks may be a decisive factor of whether your potential customer buys your book or not. Do not go through the trouble of learning PhotoShop or anything like that when you can hire an assistant on Fiverr to get the job done for you.
- Not utilizing your social networks. Many people think that since Amazon is one of the most popular websites on the web (and gets millions of daily visitors), there will surely be one of those visitors who will want to buy your Kindle eBook. The problem is that these visitors don’t get to know about you until you market your Kindle eBook. It is at this point when Amazon decides to promote your Kindle eBook more often.
Avoiding these four mistakes will allow you to boost your Kindle eBook sales. What are your thoughts on the list? Have you made any of these mistakes or made another mistake in your marketing strategy? Please share your thoughts and experiences below.
Nice read. Another mistake is to publish not well-crafted and not formally formatted book.
Ah yes, that is a big one. It is definitely easy to underestimate the need to proofread a book for formatting mistakes. Many people assume that what they see in the document is how the book ends up looking like.