Or at least almost everyone makes this blunder. I just thought the title would be more catchy.
A while ago, I got a comment on a YouTube video from someone who was inspired by one of my videos who said she would try to find me on Facebook.
Do you see the mistake? This person ended up finding me on Facebook because she really enjoyed my YouTube video, but that is a rare example of someone taking an extra step to hunt down your Facebook Page. We had a good conversation afterwards through Facebook messaging, but I knew something was wrong. She had to look for my Facebook Page. Why couldn’t my Facebook Page have been in the description for my YouTube video in the first place.
While your YouTube video’s description is a key way to tell people what your video is about, it is also important to include links to your social networks and your blog at the start of your YouTube video descriptions. If viewers were brave enough to click the like button for a YouTube video, then they will also be brave enough to click the like button on a Facebook Page, the subscribe button on a blog, and the follow button on Twitter (or any other social networks with a follow button).
That only happens when you include links to those places in your description. Having the tiny icons on your channel is not enough to get more followers. Some people only watch your video and won’t even go to your channel. Including links to your blog and social networks allows you to keep the connections you get when people view your YouTube videos. In addition, implementing this tactic will strengthen Circular Viralocity and boost your chances of going viral.
One final note. When you include the URL’s to your blog and social networks, you must make sure to include the “http” part of the URL. Including the “http” allows people to click on the link. A link in a YouTube video description that does not start with the “http” can’t be clicked on.
What are your thoughts about this blunder? Have you made this blunder in your YouTube videos? Are there any other blunders that people make in their YouTube videos? Please share your thoughts and advice below.
Yes i used to do this mistake when i was beginner, but now i add all my social networking links with my site URL and YouTube Subscribe link in the description section of the YouTube Video, this really helps to get likes on Facebook, followers on Twitter and also subscribers on YouTube. At-least there is a possibility of 1% people will like, follow or subscribe to your page.
Anyways you have really written very useful article about social media importance.
Thank you. From my experience, it’s more than 1%. It all depends on who you share your videos with. Every day I share three of my videos on Twitter, I get new subscribers to my YouTube channel every day. I may not be getting hundreds of subscribers every day, but I am gradually building an audience that can help my videos go viral.