There are millions of ideas to choose from, but not all ideas are created equal in terms of their quality and the individual’s willingness to perform the idea. You will come up with many ideas in your lifetime. Some will be incredible while others will not be as good. However, few people are able to identify whether their ideas are good or not. Some people never get to know the truth because they never start while other people start the idea to quickly realize it was a bust. You should know whether you should start or not before you decide to start the idea or trash it. Here are six reasons why you would want to start something:
- You are passionate about the idea. This is an idea that you enjoy and think about every night. If you are not passionate about the idea, then there is no point in even starting.
- It has potential. Some ideas are clear dead ends, and it is important to avoid these ideas. If you see potential in your idea and believe in that idea, then it is an idea worth pursuing.
- You want to start. The only reason you should start an idea is because you want to do so. It is important to start something based on how you feel instead of the opinions of other people around you. In the end, you are implementing the idea, not the people who are telling you what to do.
- You are fearful of someone else taking it away from you. This fear will make you admit that your idea is valuable. We only fear losing our most valuable items. Did you lose a toothbrush? Just go to CVS and buy a new, never used toothbrush. It may even be the right move for your hygiene. Losing your smartphone, especially an iPhone, would cause your world to stop. There have been numerous cases when I (and I’m sure I am not the only one) have completely stopped in my tracks because I did not know where my iPhone was and was not sure if I had left it behind at a public place. Luckily, I have never gone through that horrendous experience.
- Your idea is a small innovation of a successful idea that worked. In many cases, small innovations work similarly to the ideas they replicate but have an added twist. This aspect is definitely worth looking into because you do not need to create the next world-changing product to come up with a big idea.
- Your idea can change the world. If it can change the world, then go for it. However, you need to honestly ask yourself whether this idea can really change the world or not. Do not tell yourself that your idea can change the world just because it is your idea.
If your idea has those reasons behind it, then it is an idea you should start as soon as possible. However, if there are any doubts about your idea, whether that idea is good or not, you are not the right champion to implement that idea. You need to be fully confident in your decision so you remain authentic and turn your ideas into winning products, businesses, and services.
Thank you Marc for a very good post…
My pleasure. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.
You’re absolutely right Marc, just put one foot in front of the other and start moving ahead with your ideas…
Thank you Gregory. It is important for us to keep on moving forward and being confident in our ideas.