It feels amazing to be writing this performance report right now. The Content Marketing Success Summit has concluded. I briefly celebrated and then moved on to the next big project. I also have big plans moving forward. Let’s dive right in…
I Organized My First Summit
The Content Marketing Success Summit went from June 7th to the 14th. Thousands of people watched the sessions and many people also bought the All-Access Passes. Overall, the summit was very successful. I got to meet new people, interview my role models, and achieve a net profit.
All of the sessions totaled to a little over 35 hours.
This was easily the biggest project I’ve taken on in my journey as an entrepreneur. I only had three video editors so the rest of the work was on me (i.e. web design, emailing, etc.). I am a very different individual since taking on this mammoth project.
My 2nd Summit Is Already In The Works
The Productivity Virtual Summit is the next virtual summit I’ll be hosting (from September 18th to the 25th). I will also line up 50+ speakers for this summit and am contacting hundreds of people before the month ends (please note I started writing this report on June 22nd).
My big promotional goal for the Productivity Virtual Summit is to get 100 affiliates promoting the summit to their audiences. If you want to be an affiliate for my next virtual summit and other cool stuff, contact me
TSMD Is Getting Royalty Treatment
Now that I’m done with CMSS and am planning out PVS more effectively, I have more time for the TSMD membership site (that’s a lot of acronyms, so TSMD stands for Total Social Media Domination).
The short-term picture is to add more videos and worksheets. The long-term but not so far from now picture is to conduct free weekly webinars on social media and including the replays in the TSMD portal.
The weekly webinars alone will add a lot of value to TSMD. They’re all coming 🙂
My Last Book As A Teen
One of my biggest dreams since becoming a high school has been to become a New York Times bestselling author before I hit 20. Since I just hosted the Content Marketing Success Summit, I am compiling a book on what I learned and throwing in several insights of my own.
That book will get published in late October or early November. That book will be my bestseller.
But, I’ll need your help. People who help promote the book will get several gifts from me, and I’ll give you guidance on how to effectively promote it. There’s also revenue to be made from any upsells and a 365 day cookie for affiliates (for the Content Marketing Plaza and next year’s CMSS).
If you would like to be on the street team for my upcoming book, please contact me
I’m Buying A LOT Of Books
I recently discovered that some eBay users sell lots of used business books that you can get for ridiculously low prices. For instance, I scored one deal in which I got 20 books for $20.
No underlines in the books and minimal signs of use…which makes me a very happy reader.
I probably bought close to 100 books this month if not a little over. The investment is definitely worth it as I’ve learned so much from these books and am ready to take action. Speaking of investments…
How I Spend My Money
I view myself as an expert, but I will only advance to the next stratosphere by sharpening my knowledge. I’ll get there by utilizing my money smartly. So here’s how I spend my money:
#1: Freelancers: I have continued to grow my team gradually, but now I want 10X growth. I want to double my freelancer team by the end of summer. More importantly, I am working on a system that would allow me to hire 50 people each week nonstop and still make a profit (I learned this goal from Chet Holmes in his book The Ultimate Sales Machine). I am also using insights from Mastering The Rockefeller Habits to increase freelancer performance.
#2: Coaching: I need professional coaches to help me in areas that I need help in. While doing my own research has helped me in the past, I want to take massive shortcuts to achieve the same results. The best way I know of to achieve a shortcut is to get advice from coaches and consultants. I get some coaching by hosting summits and my podcast, but I want more focused one-to-one coaching.
#3: Advertisements: I am making a play for more Facebook ad spending. Before I do that, I will create an entirely new autoresponder that has more revenue potential than the autoresponders I currently use.
#4: Stocks & Real Estate: While I want to have an emergency fund, I also want me money to work for me. Investing in stocks and real estate are two ways to get money to work for you. I currently have no experience with real estate (more barriers to entry. For instance, it’s easier to find a $50 stock than it is to find a $50 property), but I have been pursuing the stock market. I focus on the tech sector and am learning more about it. I like picking companies after there is a dip in value because in most cases (for me) the company slowly climbs back up. I won’t write blog posts on this blog about investments because that’s not my niche, but I’ll keep you updated in the performance reports.
Extreme Blog Makeover
You might see that the blog looks the same way it did when you previously visited. However, there are some very notable differences.
#1: I released my blog’s publishing schedule past 2017. You’ll see what content I intend to publish, and when. Plus, I opened up several spaces where you can tell me what content ideas you want to see. You can check out the publishing schedule here.
#2: I also decided to create a page on my blog that details what I’m doing right now. I believe it’s an interesting addition to the blog.
You can expect more changes like this in the future to create a more legendary experience.
Books I Read
This month’s portion of “Books I Read” is slightly different. Asterisks indicate I re-read underlined text instead of reading the book for the first time. As I didn’t keep track of these books as I read them, they are misrepresented. I read 10-12 books and have included the ones I remembered.
How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Born To Blog by Mark Schaefer and Stanford Smith
Real Artists Don’t Starve by Jeff Goins
Published. by Chandler Bolt—this book inspired me to give my NYT bestseller dream a final go
Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei
59 Seconds by Richard Wiseman
How To Get Everything Out Of All You’ve Got by Jay Abraham
Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo
Contagious by Jonah Berger
The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes and Michael Gerber
Wealth Can’t Wait by David Osborn and Paul Morris
You Can Work Your Own Miracles by Napoleon Hill
The Joy Of Selling by Steve Chandler
Essentialism by Greg McKeown—this book was, no exaggeration, a wake up call for me. It teaches how to properly work so you don’t get overwhelmed and still get massive results.
How To Become A Rainmaker by Jeffrey J. Fox
Simple Spells For Success by Barrie Dolnick
Mastering The Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish—I am using this book’s insights for managing my freelancers. It’s a great book for scaling up your business.
Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard—this book instantly became one of my favorites
The Quick Guide To Effective Speaking by Dale Carnegie—this is a phenomenal book for any public speakers. I picked up many great tactics from this book.
Zero To One by Peter Thiel
Unshakeable by Tony Robbins
Set For Life by Scott Trench
Introducing Psychology Of Success: A Practical Guide by Alison and David Price
Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin
Living Forward by Daniel Harkavy and Michael Hyatt
The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
Win by Frank I. Luntz
Relentless by Tim S. Grover and Shari Wenk *
Authority Content by David Jenyns *
Expert Secrets by Russel Brunson *
Content Machine by Dan Norris *
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy *
June’s Blog Posts
6 Instagram Hacks To Grow Business In A Month
How To Stop Your Landing Page From Leaking Conversions
5 Easy Hacks That Will Double Your Sales
June’s Podcast Episodes (E is the new format instead of Episode)
Episode 41: How To Generate Revenue On Shopify With Dan Rusu
Episode 42: Dominating The Affiliate Marketing Landscape With Matt McWilliams
E43: Achieving Entrepreneurial Personal Development With Ivy LaClair and Blake Brandes
E44: How To Prevent Procrastination From Ruining Your Life With Timothy Pychyl
Review Of June 2017 Goals
#1: Make CMSS A Smashing Success—It was a legendary experience, so I say it was a smashing success.
#2: Get 50+ Speakers For PVS—I’m still working on accomplishing this goal by the end of June.
#3: Schedule Content Past August—I really need to get content scheduled over a long period of time. I have the content creation calendar but just need to produce the content.
#4: Complete All Training Course Videos—Mission accomplished. Part of the mission getting accomplished is due to the fact I learned I can drip out the videos. That way, I can offer a legendary training course and work on it as students enroll and watch what I’ve already shared.
#5: Add 20+ Videos To TSMD—This is something I’m still working on for June. Webinars will be huge for TSMD in the near future.
July 2017 Goals
#1: Have 10 Streams Of Income: These are the streams of income I am pursuing: Training courses*, TSMD*, Coaching*, Books, Virtual summits*, Affiliate marketing* (course promotions and recurring revenue), consultations, Optimize Press templates (based off what I’ve already made), Udemy, and SkillShare. The true goal is establishing a workflow that makes it possible for me to perform all of these tasks. I have put asterisks on what I anticipate will be my top sources of income. Basically, I want to have more revenue that I can pour into my business and into other investments.
#2: Hire 3 New Freelancers: Before I do that, I need to generate enough revenue to pay for the freelancers. I also need to create training videos that detail their tasks.
#3: Stop Over-Monitoring “Useless” Info: I started investing in stocks this month. Maybe this is because I’m a beginner, but I have been checking the stats of my picks every 15-30 minutes. I will address this issue in July. Here are some ideas: Check stocks at a designated time each day, make it easier to check all stocks at the same time, block my browser from Google (my preferred method of tracking stocks, but then I have limited options on the internet), and block the internet when I’m not using it.
#4: Conduct All 50+ Summit Interviews: By interviewing all of the PVS speakers in July, I have an entire month for contacting affiliates, web design, and other behind-the-scenes action from the summit. Plus, that puts much less stress on me as compared to finishing the final CMSS interviews with just a week to spare.
#5: Host Weekly Webinars: I’ll probably do a light sell at the end of each webinar but only allow TSMD members to access the replays. I don’t want to initiate too hard of a sell in these webinars because the focus is on providing value to TSMD members. I will experiment with using Facebook ads to promote the webinars.
#6: Recruit 100+ Affiliates: I will use Google to find most of my affiliates for the Productivity Virtual Summit. I want to make the Productivity Virtual Summit a massive success, and that means recruiting more affiliates.
In Conclusion
June was a very exciting month with my first virtual summit in the books. The second virtual summit will be much easier due to my experience.
I am excited about investing my money and building wealth.
What happened to number 6 in your July goals?
I got dozens of affiliates but not hundreds. I focused on people who wrote reviews for productivity based training courses and promoted similar products in the past.