When school is back in session, I always make adjustments my work flow. The long summer hours are getting shorter and I have less time to craft content for my business.
Whether you’re a student, 9-to-5 worker, or even an entrepreneur, it seems there’s never enough time in the day to get everything done.
You may write blog post, promote your content, or respond to an email, but you’ll likely find yourself struggling to accomplish several things in one day.
Some people use this reality as a crutch: “I simply don’t have the time,” they say, but that’s a classic excuse for not getting more done.
The truth is, making excuses allows you to believe that you have more important things to do with your time.
But finding more time isn’t always a solution. There comes a point in which working longer hours results in a decrease in overall productivity, rather than an increase.
So it’s not about the number of hours you spend working. It’s about the quality of those hours, which is another way of saying “work smarter, not harder.”
I no doubtedly work on my brand for far less time than most people each day, but the time I do spend working is far more intense.
Some people can only manage to squeeze in brand-building activities for 15-30 minutes a day, while others can handle much more. But anyone should be able to find short bursts of time for creating content each day, working smarter with the time they have.
Now you might be thinking that without knowing your schedule I can’t possibly be sure that you can find more time for content creation.
But even the time people spend rambling about their schedules to friends, family, and themselves is better spent more productively – creating epic content.
If you believe this doesn’t apply to you because your schedule is just too tight, prepare to have your mind blown.
Batch Individual Parts Of The Process
Every blog post contains an introduction, body, and conclusion. For a long time, I wrote entire blog posts from start to finish exactly in that order.
I was surprised to learn that this is an inefficient approach to writing blog posts. Instead of writing one post at a time in a traditional format, it’s better to come up with ideas for several blog posts at once.
After that, write the introductions for all of them. And after you’ve written the introductions, move on to the conclusions. Finally, wrap them all up with research and body copy.
This is definitely something that is rarely taught in the blogging world. The traditional format resembles essay writing, but blog posts are different, and require an altogether different approach.
Choose one day to write all of the introductions and conclusions. And another day to conduct research and write the bodies. Repeating the same bite-sized tasks over and over enables you to maintain a higher level of focus.
Without this batching process, you’re forced to make transitions each time you move from introduction to body, from body to conclusion, and from one blog post to the next.
Each of these transitions takes time that you can save by staying in the introduction mindset as you write the intros for several blog posts. Once you’re in the right frame of mind, you simply extend it to cover more ground.
How Much Time Do You Really Need?
It usually takes me around 30-60 minutes to write a 1,000-word blog post – likely because I’ve written dozens of books and thousands of blog posts. But I’ve been able to reduce this further simply by eliminating those nasty transitions.
At some point, your fingers either fall off or you become a fast typer. Not only will the batching process help you type faster, you’ll also think faster as you write each post. The result is a higher-value blog post in a shorter period of time.
If writing a 1,000-word blog posts intimidates you, there’s nothing stopping you from writing 250-500 word blog posts. Make it as easy as possible for yourself to write and publish content on your blog.
But the next time you write a blog post, keep track of how much time it took. That’s the amount of time you’ll need to make available each day or week, depending on your publishing schedule.
Use Opportune Moments To Write Your Posts
People most often write blog posts on a computer. Nowadays, you have a computer in your pocket. It’s called a smartphone, and while I’m not saying anything new for now, just read the next line.
Use your smartphone to write blog posts.
Anytime you’re waiting for an Uber, sitting on a train, suffering through tv commercials (or any other moment in which you’re waiting in line or for something to happen), add more content to a future blog post.
I’ve written dozens of blog posts from start to finish on my iPhone. That’s several months of additional content without any extra time investment. I wrote these posts during commercials, while waiting for class to begin (college life), or any other moment in which I found myself not doing much of anything.
You can also write blog posts while driving. No, I’m not advocating texting and driving. I’m taking about speaking and driving. Just install an app that transcribes your voice into text and speak out your blog post.
When you are in front of a computer with the transcription, you can then make edits and schedule the blog post for release.
It amazes me how many hours people spend commuting in a given year but how few of people turn those hours into opportunities.
Dictating blog posts is one option, but you can also turn your car into a university on wheels by listening to as many audiobooks and podcasts as possible (if you’re looking for a podcast recommendation, I recommend my Breakthrough Success Podcast with full, complete, and utter bias).
In Conclusion
We all have the same 24-hours in a given day. Your success is determined by how you utilize every one of them. I once heard that the average American spends at least four hours a day watching TV.
With those same four hours, I can write 10,000 words for my latest book, create an entire training course, or read several books.
And that’s just four hours repeated 24/7/365. Maybe you don’t watch TV for four hours a day, but chances are you do something similar that you can adjust.
For instance, I used to play a lot of video games. Then, I went cold turkey after a two week vacation (the vacation helped ease me into it). Now, I only let myself play video games when I’m visiting friends.
Your desire to create epic content must be greater than your desire to do other things.
What are your thoughts on these tactics for finding more time in your day to create epic content? Do you have any other tactics for us? Do you have a question for me? Sound off in the comments section below.
I began blogging with mobile phone but nowadays i found it hard to type with my phone. I’ve become so addicted to using PC for blogging
I really wish something can be done about this as my PC is not always available due to electricity issue
I would recommend getting a new computer. Even if it’s an inexpensive computer that isn’t the best in the market, it’s better to have a computer that doesn’t have frequent electricity issues. You’ll get more done faster.
Wonderful post Marc, I’ve definitely started taking this advice to the bank as I’m currently working on a new blog post over at my blog. I’m only a year older than you but I’ve started my blog over a year ago and have been producing content on and off. It’s been almost 4 months since I’ve written anything for the simple fact that I have other interests and that I didn’t know what to write about. Keep making strides my friend and best of success to you!
Thank you Canopus. I wish the best success for you as well. Congrats on starting early. I love seeing young people taking initiative early.
Thanks for sharing your experience of making the most of your time. It’s really useful. If you can do it, why can’t others also be productive? Examples, especially good ones, are very important!
Thank you for the kind words Liudmila. I believe anyone can be productive. It’s all based on how you use your time. Say no to certain activities so you can leverage your time for long-term success. I’m changing my writing routine and will make it a point to include more examples in future blog posts.
BRILLIANT! I used to write a weekly humor/slice of life column for the NYT Syndicate (I sent my material, trying to get a syndicate to pick me up, to FIFTY places, and all rejected me. The NYT which I was afraid to even TRY–accepted me on my 51st submission! Imagine if I’d said, “Well, 50 rejections, I must suck.” But anyway, after a year or so, it became a weekly panic to think of topics. If I had had your idea, the one in this post of yours, I know for SURE that I would have panicked a lot less and enjoyed myself more. Seriously–this is a TRULY brilliant idea. No reply needed or expected. (I remember, too, the feeling of hundreds of emails for each column and trying to answer them all and then giving up in guilt. So I don’t wanna be one of THOSE people hahaha) Keep kicking it, kid!
First off, I applaud you for continuing through the rejections. I’ve heard of famous authors who get close to giving up halfway on the path to 50. That is a powerful case study in persistence.
I’m happy you got value from this article. I wish I could have shared this insight earlier, but I only learned about it while hosting the Content Marketing Success Summit. It would have helped me a lot if I knew about it earlier, but then again we’re only talking about a few teen years in which I didn’t know about this tactic.
Nice! I also believe that having time for doing things is a question of time management and priorities. As I write a lot, I use my iPhone to put down ideas and thesises for the next blog post. Btw, I have found out that it also works well while doing cardio in a gym)
Marc, thanks for sharing your tips 🙂
My pleasure Hugh. I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the tips. I recently learned that you can also put your blog post theses and entire content into the WordPress app. While I technically knew this before, I often used my Notes app to write the blog posts and then emailed them to myself. The WordPress app takes a step out of the equation, and it’s important to take out as many steps as possible while achieving the same if not better result.