I don’t force people to do things. I recommend tactics people can use to grow their businesses. However, if I could force you to do one thing for your success, I’d force you to hire a business coach.
Hiring a business coach represents an investment towards yourself and your brand. Some people don’t see the merit behind hiring a business coach when all of the information they’ll share with you is accessible on the web.
The first business coach I hired helped me grow my podcast (Note: only hire business coaches who specialize and have seen massive success in the area you wish to master). He shares a lot of great insights in each of our calls. One piece of advice he had for me was to incorporate music into the intro for each episode.
I already know it’s important to have music in my intro. While my podcast coach shared plenty of insights I never knew before, there were other insights he shared that I already knew (to be honest, I only knew about 10% of the insights he shared before I hired him. Most of the stuff he says is new to me).
Back to the main point. I knew X was important, but I did not do X. When you’re making a monthly payment to a coach and jumping on multiple calls, your productivity spikes. I quickly found music for my intro and also the closing for each episode.
In fact, I’m making a major revamp to Breakthrough Success episodes very soon. They’ll come out much smoother and be jam packed with the value you’re used to. Also, the music choice was a very special one for me to make. I’ll have to talk about the music choice in the future.
Pick The Right Business Coach
I’m not telling you to hire the first business coach you come across. Only hire a business coach who has achieved the same results you wish to achieve. If you want to make a 6-figure income, hire a business coach who makes 6-figures doing what you do.
The more you invest in your business coach, the more committed you’ll be to taking action. Combine that with the business coach guiding you towards optimal actions that will move you forward, and you have a winning formula. This is the dynamic that comes forth between a business coach and the client.
You’ll need to do a lot of looking before you come across the right business coach. I recommend you keep your eyes open even if you’re convinced a business coach won’t work for you. I found my first business coach because of Breakthrough Success. I interviewed him on the show before I hired him.
If you pick the right business coach, the extra work you put in will yield a significant ROI that at the very least pays off all of the coaching payments. Never hire a business coach unless you can see how that business coach can make you all of your money back and more and/or make your life significantly better.
I know that for some people, making more money means a significantly better life, but I mention that for everyone because there are some coaches who specializes in non-revenue generating activities that are still important (i.e. work-life balance, relationship coach, etc.)
Ask Questions
When you contact a potential business coach, ask them several questions. What are their expectations for you and how much better off can you be in a few months? Most business coaches will say they can’t guarantee results and that it’s different for each person, but you can get a past client’s success story.
A success story from one of my podcast coach’s clients sealed the deal. I saw the potential for myself to be the next success story, and I didn’t want to turn down the opportunity to reach significantly more people with Breakthrough Success.
I recommend coming in with 3-5 questions. That way, it’s enough questions to learn how the business coach will help you, but it’s not too much to overwhelm that coach and get no response (business coaches usually have their inboxes filled to the brim).
Don’t Stop At One
Hiring a business coach is a great step towards success. If you want to achieve monumental success, you’ll need to hire multiple business coaches. That’s multiple incentives for you to take action and people telling you the right actions you need to take right now.
The entrepreneurial lifestyle can get overwhelming at times, and business coaches will keep you on the right track. Most people I’ve come across in person and by reading books recommend having anywhere from 2-3 business coaches. I’d only recommend hiring an additional business coach when you’ve made your ROI from the first business coach you hired.
You may also have to fire a business coach even if that individual has helped you move forward. We’re good at firing people when they don’t do their jobs. Just look at the payments heading that person’s way, and ask yourself if you can justify that person continuing to receive your money.
However, it’s much harder to fire someone doing a good job. Sometimes you’ll have to fire a great business coach when that person has helped you achieve what you wanted to achieve. By firing one business coach, you’ll make room for another business coach.
With that said, if a business coach continues to significantly help you, then you should continue working with that person. However, understand that as your interests change, you may have to fire a business coach who helped you in the past to hire a business coach that better aligns with your new interests.
In Conclusion
No one will know everything about a single niche. Some people may get close in their respective niches, but no one gets to know everything. To expand your knowledge, you can read books, watch training courses, listen to podcast episodes, and even hire a coach.
But if you actually want to implement what you learn, and implement the right actions instead of random actions, you’ll need a business coach. Books, training courses, and podcast episodes can inspire you and expand your knowledge. Effective business coaches get through the information overload and guide you towards the right actions that will move you farther at the fastest pace.
What are your thoughts about hiring a business coach? Do you have any recommendations? Do you have a question for me? Sound off in the comments section below.
Yep Just hired one last week. Even if they’re not expert in your niche another set of eyes can’t hurt
Business coaches also help with accountability. My podcast coach has given me a bunch of new insights. There were some things I already knew but wasn’t doing, and he’s the reason I’m now doing those things that grow my podcast.