Rob Palmer guest is the world’s first blogging digital nomad who’s been traveling the world for over 20 years and making money online to fund amazing adventures. He’s went from millionaire’s row to the bankruptcy court and back again and has made millions of dollars on Clickbank
Quotes To Remember:
“Clickbank was a real game changer.” “I was able to work while we were traveling.” “We need to appreciate the time we have.” “Take the risk.” “Get a day’s worth of work done before lunch.” “You can start an online business as a side hustle.” What You’ll Learn:
- Becoming a digital nomad
- Funding the digital nomad lifestyle
- Not getting distracted by touring while on the digital nomad lifestyle
- Striking a balance
- Staying in touch with friends while traveling
- Escaping your day job to travel the world
Key Links From The Episode:
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