Walker Deibel is an acquisition entrepreneur and investor who has cofounded three startups and acquired seven companies. His book Buy Then Build shows readers how to generate profitable revenue by acquiring companies. If you want to learn how to buy an existing company, and using ownership as a path to financial independence, his book and this episode are for you.
Quotes To Remember:
“Only 4% of U.S. companies exceed $1M in revenue.” “There are these 10 things I can do to make this business awesome.” “I’m an entrepreneur and that’s my condition.” “Think about what infrastructure it is that you’re trying to build.” What You’ll Learn:
- Acquiring companies
- Filling in the money gap
- Financing a purchase–what you need to know
- How to identify and buy the right companies
- What holds entrepreneurs back from success
Key Links From The Show: Buy Then Build Content Marketing Plaza Recommended Books: The End of Jobs by Taylor Pearson The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod Good To Great by Jim Collins The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen Content Marketing Secrets by Marc Guberti Podcast Domination by Marc Guberti