The content of a blog post offers insight to the reader. People are constantly being reminded that content is king. The significance of quality content has been proven by a variety of blogs. The blogs you commonly visit are the ones with quality content. Having a lot of followers on social networks does help out, but the content of a blog post is the deciding factor of whether or not a blog is ordinary or extraordinary.
However, the headline of a blog post has the ability to glue visitors to your blog or find somewhere else to go. The headline is the make or break part of a blog post. A good headline will result in more visitors spending the time to read your content.
The best way to realize the importance of headlines for a blog is by thinking of the newspaper. Whether you read the New York Times or the Washington Post, chances are you don’t read all of the articles word by word in a newspaper. Instead of doing that, you skim through the newspaper and look for headlines that impress you. Once you find a good headline, you will read that article.
When people share blog posts on social media, some of them don’t read the content. Some people judge whether or not to share a blog post just by looking at the headline. If the headline is good, people will share your blog posts.
Now that you know the importance of writing better headlines for your blog posts, here’s how to make those headlines better.