Everyone says go with the trend. If Instagram videos are a hot topic, people will want a book on that, right? That book will get more sales, but when Instagram videos just become the norm, you won’t get as many sales. If you create a book about Instagram videos a year or two after they were introduced, that book would get sales for a longer amount of time.
That toy everyone wants has something special to it. How about creating a replica. 3-D printing is making it easier to create replicas of stuff, but better yet, your own merchandise. They are getting cheaper, and Microsoft is coming up with a way to make 3-D printing as easy as pressing “Print” for a document. Maybe that’s the next big thing, and maybe that’s the market you should jump on.
When you have some free time, look into your ideas. See what kind of products you can create that will get a lot of sales. Maybe you can think of the next Facebook, if you’re really lucky. You can also think of the next multimillion dollar product. You can make something that everyone wants.
Maybe you just look at the competition and see what’s popular. People want to know a lot about making money online or how they can become healthier. Why not create products and books around those two things? A lot of people already buy products that help them make money online or become healthier.
How about selling something that is already doing well. iPhones are doing very well, and people will want to buy those. You didn’t make the iPhone, but you can still sell it anyway. People will come in and buy it. The only question is if they would buy it at an Apple Store which is the official source, or if they would buy from you. Someone will eventually come to you and buy the iPhone from you.
You can also ask your clients what they want to buy. Then, when you make a product, your clients will buy it. They will tell other people about the product, and you will get more sales out of it.
However, what if you didn’t get any clients yet or don’t know enough about the clients you already had? The third option, thinking of ideas and creating a business or product around some of those ideas is the winning sauce. Your ideas are unique, and if you create a product based on your idea, you will have a fun time doing so. You will be very productive as you finish the product.
When you start working on your product, it’s time to make people want to buy that product. The best way to get someone to buy your product is to talk about the product before it comes out. Talk about the product months before it comes out. People need to know about your product if they want to buy it.
Create videos for your products, and talk about them occasionally on your blog. In order to make a product that people will want to by, you have to tell them why your product is special. Does your book have something in it that the competition doesn’t want you to know or does your product have extra features compared to the competition.
What makes your product special? Tell people about it. A product can either be the greatest kept secret or a big success.