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What To Do When You Go Viral

I recently went viral on Pinterest. I average about 5-15 repins depending on what I pin. However, I got over a hundred repins for one of my pins. Many of those repins came in a matter of hours, and they continue to come (although not to that degree).

Luckily for me, I was on Pinterest exactly when the pin was getting a lot of repins. The pin was an inspirational quote from Henry Ford. Since that pin was getting a lot of repins, I knew that my newest pins from my board, Inspirational Quotes, would get more repins than normal. I decided to pin some inspirational quotes to that board, and all of the new pins got repinned multiple times. They haven’t been pinned hundreds of times, but they did get a considerable amount of repins.

When you go viral on Pinterest, it’s important to push out more pins on the board that the pin is on. When you go viral, tell people about something else that you have done. This allows you to as they say, “spread the wealth.”

If a blog goes from 100 visitors a day to 400 visitors every day for 2 days, many of those 400 visitors are going to find someone else since the blog is no longer viral. However, that blog will easily get 150-200 visitors every day just because it went viral for 2 days.


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