There are some very popular blogs out there. If you could have someone on one of those blogs write a blog post about you, that would give you more traffic and visibility. Getting these popular blogs to write blog posts about you is not as challenging as it seems. These are the ways to get people to write about you:
- Have a remarkable story. This part is essential towards getting people to write about you. People need to know why you are special.
- Get out there. Comment on other people’s blogs, follow more people on your social networks, and thank the people who write about you.
- Use Help A Reporter Out. Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is where a lot of media outlets go in order to find certain people. The Huffington Post, Associated Press, NBC, ABC, Forbes, and Mashable are some of the media outlets that use HARO.
- Ask for an exchange. Some people will write about you if you write about them. I don’t do exchanges very often, but I am open to them.
- Use social media to get out there. Most of the people who have written about me saw my social networks first. Social media is a tool for building awareness for you, your blog, and products.
Get out there in a remarkable way, and people will write about you.
My daughter is 11 and 60 pages into writing her second book, it is very impressive to see the ingenuity of your generation.
Great article, I use HARO for our business, it is a great resource.
At a very young age, you’re doing quite remarkable things. I love your post by the way. Excellent actionable advice. Keep it up!
After reading your blogs and delving into your experience, bravo young man! Impressive and thank you for offering new tricks to an old dog!
I wrote about you Marc after you followed me on Pinterest. I not only wrote about you on Facebook, but I followed your blog as a result. Good job!!