Every New Year is a year that we set the bar higher. You may have given yourself a lot of goals for the New Year, and I want you to leave a comment sharing your goals. I will offer tips and advice that will help you accomplish those goals as well. Here is a list of my 2014 goals:
- Publish 6 books. I have been inspired by John Locke to pursue publishing numerous books again. At first I thought I would publish 1-2 per year. I was mistaken. My book Lead The Stampede may end up being published before summer.
- Launch 15 Udemy training courses. Udemy is something I have been using for a short amount of time, but I have already been able to create training courses about blogging and Twitter.
- Get 1,000 daily visitors on my blog. I have been consistently getting 150 daily visitors on my blog.
- Earn $50,000+ annually. I won’t go into how much I am earning now, but this is a possibility.
- Have 100,000 Twitter followers. If I go back to gaining 200+ followers every day (I’m currently at 150+ daily followers), I will have 100,000 followers before the end of the year. This will also help out towards my goal of getting 1,000 daily visitors on my blog.
I choose to publish this blog post a week after the New Year so everyone would be reminded of their New Year’s resolutions. What are your resolutions?
Instead of publishing 15 Udemy training courses, I am going to publish 2-3 training courses with at least 40 hours of content each. Quality over quantity.
I am also aiming for 50,000 followers on Pinterest.
I will publish at least 4 books, but I will strive to publish 6 books.
Those are amazing Goals Marc!! Looking forward to hearing about your journey!