Some people are gaining hundreds of Pinterest followers every day while other people struggle to gain 5 followers every day on Pinterest. Although this is not a proven statistic, it is possible that 10% of the people on Pinterest have 90% of the followers (or some cool statistic like that). The difference is that the top pinners have implemented several tactics to double their following. In fact, there are 10 different ways to double your Pinterest following. Here they are:
- Be active on Pinterest every day. Being active on Pinterest means sending out at least 15 pins every day, commenting on at least 3 pins every day, and liking/repinning other people’s pins. By being active on Pinterest, more people will see you on their timelines. This will result in an increase in repins, and as you gain repins, you will also gain followers.
- Verify your blog. People with the big checkmark are verified, and as you build your following, that checkmark will have a greater significance and bring in more followers. Having the checkmark on your Pinterest account shows your authenticity, and people love authenticity.
- Have a strong bio. This is not your English class. You can use sentence fragments and run-ons in order to tell more people about your hobbies and credentials. The more you say in your bio, the better.
- Follow targeted people. Even if the ratio gets out of hand, you will end up gaining more followers by following other people. When you follow other people, be sure to follow the people with less than 1,000 followers. The people with less than 1,000 followers are the ones who are most likely to follow you back. In addition, follow the people who are following boards with content similar to yours so you can build a targeted following. Following targeted people alone will contribute to a noticeable change in the amount of people you follow, but it will also result in a noticeable change in the number of repins you get.
- Have a profile picture. Adding a profile picture is simple to do. However, having a profile picture of you will make people trust you enough to click the follow button. People prefer to follow someone who they can see than someone hidden by Pinterest’s default picture or a picture of beautiful scenery that you found on Google.
- Connect other social networks with Pinterest and vice-versa. Get the followers you have already gained to follow you on Pinterest. This is an easy way to boost your following on one social network from your fan base on another social network.
- Have a wide variety of boards. Pinterest is not the place to focus on one niche. On Pinterest, create boards for all of your hobbies and niches you are in. I have several boards on my Pinterest account that have nothing to do with business, blogging, or social media. The result is that I am able to attract a larger audience.
- Have a lot of pins. The more pins an account has, the better. Would you rather follow the person on Twitter who sent out 100 tweets or the person who sent out 10,000 tweets. Sending out 10,000 tweets identifies that person as an influential expert, and (in some cases), has a lot of good things and interesting articles to share. As the number of pins go up, more people will be inclined to follow you. Big numbers rule yet again.
- Turn your blog into something powerful. If you provide your visitors quality content, they are very likely to follow you on your social networks. If your blog was getting 10,000 daily visitors, imagine how many daily Pinterest followers that would be.
- Stick with it. In order to see a big increase in followers, you need to stick with it. Giving up on Pinterest too early will prevent you from seeing the true potential of a powerful social network.
Those are 10 ways to double your Pinterest following. If you have any thoughts about this blog post or additional tips, please share them below.
great information I learnt a lot
Thank you Sheerin. I am happy to hear that you liked the article.
Great tips Marc, I see some of what I do is good and some needs improvement.
My pleasure Keith. I am happy to hear you know your strengths and weaknesses on Pinterest. Knowing those two things lets you know what is good and what needs improvement.
Your activity level in point #1 is much higher than i would have gone; but now i will.
Sharon, I am happy to hear that you are going to be more active on Pinterest. Being active is one of the best ways to get more Pinterest followers.