For newbies, making money online is an enigma. There are thousands of ways to make money online, but deciding which methods to go with is the challenging part. I remember when I wanted to learn about making money online. Just like everyone else, I simply Googled “how to make money online.” In less than a second, over 2.2 billion search results came up on Google. It is easy to be overwhelmed by all of the articles that share different tactics to making money online. If you are continuing your search for ways to make money online, I am going to end your search by showing you 5 ways to make money online that you need to implement right away.
- Write eBooks. You can publish eBooks on Kindle, iTunes, Nook, and others places as well. The royalty you get per eBook depends on which service you are using and what you charge for your eBook.
- Create training courses. Training courses can be sold for more money than an eBook, and a training course can also be used to promote an eBook. In my Twitter Domination training course, I give away almost half of my How To Be Successful On Twitter book for free.
- Have multiple products. Having multiple products guarantees the possibility of returning customers. When a customer likes your first product, you want to give that customer a place to go after they have utilized your first product. That place to go would be your second product.
- Use Squidoo. Squidoo is a free way to get backlinks to your blog, create websites, and get paid at the same time. Some people make over $1,000 on Squidoo every month!
- Create a membership site. Membership sites are similar to training courses. The only difference is that a membership site results in a recurring revenue while a training course is one flat rate.
The reason the list was cut down to only five ways to make money online is because a blog post containing a lot of ways for people to make money online would overwhelming. In Honest Ways To Make Money Online, I go more in detail about the different ways to make money online, but for now, these are the five tips that you should implement right away.
Great article, with helpful info. Thanks.
My pleasure Toni. I am happy to hear that you enjoyed the article.
Thanks for sharing this information Marc.I need to find ways to make money online.