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If you’re like me, you use some of Google’s services and have no idea how half of them work. Adsense and broadcasted Google Hangouts are some of the services I have trouble with (I spent $15 to create a screen recorder for Google Hangouts so I can put those videos on YouTube). Chances are you are probably just like me or were just like me at one point. There are millions of people who have no idea how to use certain Google services or how certain features work. The worst part is that Google makes changes to many of its services every year. Someone who could host a Google Hangout in 2013 would have to relearn how to host a Google Hangout this year.
Let’s continue with my story of misfortune and hope that I am two for two. If you’re like me, you have watched videos or read articles on blogs to try to solve the problem. When seeing someone using the Google service that we cannot get to function, that person suddenly looks like one of those super humans chosen by the ancients or something cool like that.
While trying to find the fix for one of my Google services, I ended up reading 10 blog posts from the same blog dealing with this issue. I did not find the solution to the giant puzzle (trying to use a Google service that is not functioning properly). However, one blogger just got an extra visitor and 10 pageviews. Some people on YouTube got some extra views as well.
As these people get more visitors, pageviews, and views, their SEO increases, and they start to see traffic on the rise. What happened? These people knew the solution to a problem that millions of people have. Not all of these millions of people will get a solution from a single video, but as these people get more views for their videos about Google services, their other videos get viewed as well. In addition, their blogs also get more visitors and pageviews.
There are plenty of problems out there. If you are a solution to one of the problems that a large group of people have, numerous people will come to you to get the answer.
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