One of the big reasons my productivity has gone up is because I use sticky notes. Every day, I use sticky notes for a variety of methods, and at the end of every month, I put all of my sticky notes into a designated envelope for that month. The number of sticky notes in these envelopes have dramatically increased over the months that I started–just like my productivity. In order to increase your productivity, you need to know the proper ways to use sticky notes. These are the Big 4.
- Write down your daily goals. Since sticky notes are designed to be made and thrown out quickly, only write down your daily goals on your sticky notes. Writing down your daily goals will allow you to stay on task.
- Make sure you can easily see your sticky notes. I put all of my sticky notes right next to my computer. That way, when I glance away from my computer screen, I look at the sticky note and see all of my goals. If you want your sticky notes to grab your attention, only use yellow sticky notes and only write with a black marker. The human brain registers yellow faster than any other color, and black on yellow is just as noticeable.
- Write down a plan to accomplish a certain goal. If you have a big goal for the day, write down how you are going to accomplish that goal. When are you going to take breaks? When you are working at your goal, what steps of action will you take to accomplish those goals? These are the things that you can write on your sticky notes.
- Write down things that you want to remember. Ideas come and go. As the idea remains as a memory for a longer period of time, it becomes easier to forget about that idea. Having sticky notes with you solves the problem. If you think of a brilliant idea for a blog post, but you have to go somewhere for a few hours, write the idea on a sticky note and leave it by your computer. That way, you will remember the brilliant idea when you go back to writing on your computer.
Those are the 4 ways that you can effectively use sticky notes. By effectively using sticky notes, you will increase your productivity and get more work done in a shorter amount of time. If you use sticky notes every day, your goals that once appeared impossible will be in reach.
Writing down things you want to remember is vital, almost as important as goals, both of which you mentioned. Informative post!