Why do you want more comments on your blog posts? Most bloggers want more comments on their blog posts to show that people interact on their blogs. Bloggers want conversations to get started on their blogs to indicate that their blog is popular. The most popular blogs also happen to have numerous comments on every blog post. It’s not a coincidence.
What most bloggers forget is that they can build conversations by simply responding to other people’s comments. Responding to someone else’s comment counts as a comment in the grand total. If you respond to 25 comments, people will see that your blog post has received 50 comments. That shows bustling activity and popularity: the two things that people look for in a blog.
Not only is responding to the people who comment on your blog a way to bring up the numbers, but responding to other people’s comments will allow you to further open discussion. By further opening the discussion, you will encourage more people to comment and possibly learn about things in your niche that you did not know about before. As you continue replying to comments and building your presence on the web, some people will write a good comment on your blog just to get your reply. There is a point when a blogger becomes so famous that a reply from that blogger means a lot.
Another benefit to responding to comments is your ability to build stronger connections. The advantage with WordPress (and many others) is that the person who comments must enter their email address. By requiring everyone who comments to enter their email address, you will be able to reply to those comments and send emails to those people. The people who commented on your blog will be very grateful that you took the time to send a personalized message, and that will allow the connection to build. A new connection can end up becoming a customer, subscriber, or better yet, a returning customer.
There are many benefits associated with replying to comments on your blog. Do you reply to the comments on your blog? If you leave a comment below, I will be sure to respond.
Thank you Marc, good information, as always.
My pleasure John. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Marc. I agree with you about replying to those who comment, but nobody leave any on my blog pots after more than 700 visits.
Try asking questions at the end of every blog post you write that entice a conversation to develop and then encourage the interaction to occur. That’s what I do at the end of every single blog post I write.
Thank you Marc, I agree and the post is very informative. Now, I just need to know how to manage responding to the different social media platforms. I’m pretty new to blogging and hoping from one device to the next for different platforms can take up a lot of time.
My recommendation is to start with 1-2 social media platforms. If you use too many social media platforms to start (i.e. more than five), then you have to put in five times the amount of work. It is better to be one of the top experts for one social network than it is to be mediocre at 10 social networks. Moreover, when you master one social network, it becomes easy to master the other social networks. Success on social media consists of certain patterns that apply to most or all of the big name social networks.
Personally I feel, responding to blog comments develops a kind of bonding among your audience, you will get returning visitors and referrals.
I agree that responding to blog comments builds a sense of respect for the blogger. It also allows the blogger to get a better idea of the audience who visits his blog.
I always respond to comments on my blog. It seems rude not to!
I couldn’t agree more. When our readers take the time to leave a comment, responding is simply the right thing to do. I wish more people thought of conversations on the web as in-person conversations. Our etiquette on the web would be so much better.
Good post. Thank you.
My pleasure. I’m glad you liked the article.