When looking back at all of the weeks I have been working, I can easily look back and identify when I was the most productive. From July 21st to July 27th, I did an array of tasks:
- Write 20 blog posts
- Write 20,000 words for an upcoming book
- Do 12 scripts for a membership site
- Schedule 50 Facebook posts
- Do 10 YouTube videos
- Schedule 5 YouTube videos
All of the things you see here got accomplished in just seven days, and none of those are typos, and I didn’t stuff in some extra 0’s just to make everything look better. I am a big supporter of the weekly score card which I used when accomplishing these goals. One of the big things I noticed on this score card compared to others was that there were fewer things on the list. My typical score card has far more than 10 things on the list. I cut some of those off the list which narrowed it down to six. I could now focus more of my attention on six goals compared to spending less attention on ten or more goals.
I decided to go back and see how I was able to do all of these things, and then I put a few things together:
- The two week family vacation was coming up which meant I knew I would be kicking back and relaxing during those two weeks (yes, I do kick back and relax). This week is similar to what runners would call sprinting to the finish line.
- I had more deadlines. One of the reasons was that I only had two YouTube videos scheduled which would not have lasted the entire vacation. I would have missed a week, and for someone who has the need to be consistent, that would have been bad. In addition, I knew I would only have four days to complete an entire membership site which is why I knew all of the scripts had to be done in advance.
- I had more time to focus on less goals. Although these goals were by no means walk in the parks, I could zone in on them instead of overwhelming myself with too many goals in one week.
In other words, this was a strong sprint to the finish line filled with fewer but more important deadlines. Most people wait to do the strong sprint to the finish line weeks before the end of the year. Now I have been finding any excuse possible to sprint for the finish line. That is why I am the most productive during the summer. It is my long and strong sprint to the finish line so I did more than was expected of me before school begins. Last year, I did 40 YouTube videos in two weeks just so I would not have to worry about them during school (some of those videos were even done past midnight).
Are you ready to have the most productive week of your life? Find your reason to sprint to the finish and only choose to do the goals that are going to bring forth the biggest impact possible.
I don’t sprint to any lines these days, for fear of injuring myself, lol. But I do get the gist of the message here, focus on the really important goals and work a little harder to get things done…then take a two week vacation. 🙂
I’m glad you got the message Anna. I just put in the sprinting since I run cross country and track. The ironic thing is that I almost never run sprinting events.