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6 Reasons Why You Need To Dream Big

Dream Big

No matter how small or big, we all have dreams and aspirations. Dreaming small is the easier option because it is easier to make small dreams come true. Reaching 1,000 followers on any social network is a small dream. Reaching 1 million followers is a bigger dream.

All of the successful people in the world got to where they are by dreaming big. Seth Godin does not strive to make 100 sales per book. He strives to turn each of his books into an empowering movement that allows him to spread his message farther and donate to his favorite charities. Mark Zuckerberg’s dream for Facebook’s growth didn’t stop at 1 million users, and it didn’t stop at 1 billion users either.

One of the simplest ways to be successful is by dreaming big. If you don’t dream big, here are six reasons why you need to start:


#1: Only Big Dreamers Become Successful

No one became successful by dreaming small and having no faith in their ideas. Successful individuals reached their status by dreaming of big dreams. Dreaming big is the more challenging road to take, but the more challenging road is often the road worth pursuing.


#2: You Will Ask Yourself Three Questions In Life

Online marketer Brendon Burchard has a solid eight figure income, multiple successful products, and over 1 million Facebook fans among other things. At the end of all of his videos, Burchard shares this message with his readers, “Live fully, love openly, and make your difference, today.”

Burchard did not simply choose those three statements from a hat. He came up with those three statements after a life changing car accident where he asked himself three questions: “Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?” Those are the three questions people ask themselves as their lives approach the end.

Now that you know which questions you are going to ask yourself at the end of your life, continue living your life and taking the actions that will allow you to answer yes to all three of those questions. Don’t strive for 1/3 or 2/3. This is your life we are talking about, not a quiz score that has a small impact on the final average. Dreaming big increases your chances of answering yes to all three of those questions.


#3: You’ll Have A Bigger Box To Play With

Did you know that our dreams are like boxes? Believe it or not, there are ceilings that stop us from going upward. It is possible to reach a number of followers or subscribers and then hit a ceiling where the number ceases to increase. Maybe you may hit your ceiling on your Twitter growth once you hit 25,000 Twitter followers.

How then are there people with millions of Twitter followers? The answer is that every individual’s ceiling is at a different height. Boxes have a finite amount of space, and once using up all of the space, many people simply pursue the next big thing and flip-flop from one niche/social network/passion/business to another while leaving everything else behind forever.

Big boxes get created by dreaming big. Luckily, the size of a box can be modified at anytime. When successful people’s big dreams approach reality, these successful people dream bigger. Brendon Burchard had big dream after big dream about how he would make $1 million every year, $10 million every year, and then $20 million every year. Burchard now makes over $20 million every year, and he is already dreaming big and thinking about making $30 million every year. Once you dream big and continue to dream big, you will increase your chances of becoming successful at what you want to thrive in.


#4: You Will Challenge Yourself

When we throw challenges into our lives, our lives can get very exciting very fast. Last year, with the Christmas break approaching, I decided to put in so much work for my business before the break that I would be able to relax for most of the Christmas break (entrepreneurs need their downtime too).

I also decided to pull of this plan during junior year. I did two month’s worth of business work in just 18 days, and I also studied for tests and completed my homework. As a result of cramming all of this work over an 18 day period, I did not have to work nearly as hard over the Christmas break.

I dreamed big by thinking I could do things like write 40 blog posts, finish reading two books, and completing a training course (among other things) in 18 days. I embraced the challenge and got all of those goals accomplished. When I challenge myself in this manner, I strengthen my productivity.

Within that 18 day span, I used every ounce of time I had to either complete schoolwork or work within my business. By challenging myself when school is in session, I set myself up to be more productive over the summer. Every summer, schoolwork and going to school are no longer on the to-do list. In the summer, I gain an extra 10 hours every day because I am not going to school and doing homework for those 10 hours.


#5: You Will Put In More Work

As you challenge yourself by dreaming big, you will also put in more work towards your goals. You will put in more work and effort if one of your big dreams is to gain 5,000 subscribers in three months than if you had a smaller dream of only gaining 500 subscribers in three months. More research will get conducted, and more work will be done towards getting you closer to your big dream. Remember that it is possible in the world we know to achieve dynamic results in a short amount of time. You may not be an overnight success, but some people went from no income to six figure incomes in less than two years (although these people are rare to find, they do exist, and you can join that rare group of people by dreaming big).


#6: You Will Realize How Important You And Your Time Are

You are important, and so is your time. This tip finds its way into many blog posts and books, but not everyone recognizes how important they and their time are. The truth is that we are all mortal, and mortality is a powerful motivational force unlike any other motivational force in the world.

Once you realize your time is limited, and you challenge yourself by dreaming big, you will also realize how important it is for you to accomplish those big dreams. One of the worst things to possibly do is to never manifest your big dream into something remarkable.

We only get to live once, so we must make the best out of our lives.


In Conclusion

Dreaming big is essential towards living a successful life. The most successful people in the world continue dreaming big to this day, so it works. Dreaming big extends your scope of possibility, and as you move closer to your big dream, you will also feel a surge of confidence. This surge of confidence will be very helpful when you come up with bigger dreams and continue putting in the work and effort to make your big dreams come true.

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